Ready to Fight Again

Hello Everyone! I am a 25 year old student and I am 5'5 a 155 pounds. I have always been overweight my whole life and I have had it rubbed in my face time after time again. It's been a vicious cycle, the more people told me I'm fat the more I eat to make myself feel better, either to rebel or just to make myself feel good. It is weird because I normally do eat 1200-1400 calories a day and my meals are not over-salted or over-buttered and I am a vegetarian but my body likes to get bigger. The reason is that I do not work out at the gym everyday and I am preparing for the biggest exam of my life this year and I do not have time at all to work out, I try to get in walks.
Well someone told me I was getting fat again. I lost 25 pounds last year. I would simply eat a granola bar when I'd wake up after I was hungry and a small dinner. I got a whole lot of compliments, everyone -I was not starving myself, I simply was just not hungry. I had no motivation to lose weight, I was stress free, I even worked out 3 -4 times a week. The results were not noticable to me but to everyone around me. Well, it was the last time I will ever hear I'm getting fat. I've been on the forum and go on everyday but lack motivation and I think I have found it. I want to be healthier, make healthier decisions and lose weight but keep it off. Motivation would be greatly appreciated:)


  • fitguy44
    fitguy44 Posts: 6
    Count me in ! Exercise will help only 20% , rest 80% weight loss will be from diet modification , the 75% of which is from fat n 25% is muscle loss [if muscle exercise nt done]