Today is the day/ how to get started

kamonoky Posts: 1 Member
At 5'8" I jumped on the scale and saw a number I've never seen before - 199 lbs - I nearly cried

Just 4 years ago I was 140s- size 6/8 small tops ... Now size 14 and Xl tops

I've had a lot of emotional event happen in which were aided by dinners out, unlimited snacking, etc

A few hurdles you may help with
1) Fiancé is not on board (even though he has 100 lbs to loose)

2) food budget of $100 a week for two people

3) bored with at home workouts

I am tired all the time, constantly thinking about the next meal, not active in things I enjoy, joint problems

Any words of wisdom would be great !



  • sarahdayski
    sarahdayski Posts: 125 Member
    Meal planning helps me, i eat the same as the rest of the family but just smaller portions. Find a exercise that you enjoy, i started just on the treadmill walking for 40 mins a few times a week and now i swim around a mile several times a week. It takes time to change your eating habits but after a few days you will feel better, i sleep better and have far more energy.
  • healthymom1972
    healthymom1972 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new as well and equally horrified with the scale numbers shown on my new fitbit aria scale that also gives the wonder of body fat percentage ( talk about frightening). So to get started I am trying to make it real with my new fit bit, measures activity levels, and the dreaded scale, to track weight and fat percentage. Now that technology is comes down to setting an exercise schedule and tracking all the food consumed. For exercise, I picked jogging and the elliptical that has been a wonderful dust collector up until now. To motivate, I look to the dogs ( they love jogging in the woods) and my mother and son. They are my network. It sounds like your fiancé may not be ready so look for another connection for support. For food, I use the guilt factor of logging everything - it makes me think before I eat if I have to log it. I have about 80 lbs to lose but I think of it as 2 lbs each week not the larger amount. I hope this helps and I wish you luck as it is not easy but I can tell you I feel better with just a few weeks under my belt. The fact that I can jog 2 miles is a miracle right now so celebrate the wins along the way.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Take one day at a time or even hour by hour or minute by minute. Concentrate on one thing each week or until you feel comfortable in adding something else. For example you could start by logging everything you eat, once you have logging down then you have the information to make better food choices. Then you could add in exercise and try out different youtube exercise videos and find what you like or something like that. Just take it one step at a time. Take your time and don't beat yourself up if you back slide or don't think you are going fast enough, slow and steady wins the race. You put effort into it and you will get results. Good luck! :)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    kamonoky wrote: »
    At 5'8" I jumped on the scale and saw a number I've never seen before - 199 lbs - I nearly cried

    Just 4 years ago I was 140s- size 6/8 small tops ... Now size 14 and Xl tops

    I've had a lot of emotional event happen in which were aided by dinners out, unlimited snacking, etc

    A few hurdles you may help with
    1) Fiancé is not on board (even though he has 100 lbs to loose)

    2) food budget of $100 a week for two people

    3) bored with at home workouts

    I am tired all the time, constantly thinking about the next meal, not active in things I enjoy, joint problems

    fiance does not need to be on board. just because you are exercising and eating better doesn't mean that he has to. you don't really need to make any major menu changes at home either, just eat less of what you make for the both of you. and be subtle about certain switches, such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, etc etc. for instance, pasta night you can make a red sauce which can hide the different taste of whole wheat pasta, and make a bunch of roasted veggies to stick into your bowl so you eat less pasta and sauce.

    a food budget of $100???? that is a hurdle? i know people that eat on less a week. but check out the site for a lot of affordable and healthy meals to make.

    bored with your workouts?? go outside!! i don't know where you live, but i know that going out in the nice weather on a bike or for a run once or twice a week can rejuvenate your training.
  • MrsR130
    MrsR130 Posts: 66 Member
    Your story sounds exactly like mine! 5'6", 3-4 years ago I was 140lbs... This year I was at my heaviest at 194 and wanted to cry.

    I agree with many of the posters above - fiancé doesn't have to be on board (my hubs wasn't... at first. But now he is starting to join me and just downloaded the app today!). $100 a week is my budget and totally doable (in fact, we are trying to cut that down further) and meal planning does wonders for both your budget and your weight. And I, too, was completely BORED with workouts. I'd try something new and stop after a few days. So for my first 10lbs I focused solely on diet and trying to get some walking in every day. Now that I move more, I want to move even more (and have found the energy to do it) and started a p90x and running routine this week.

    Send me a friend request - support and motivation can only help you meet your goals!
  • pedidiva
    pedidiva Posts: 199 Member
    First off, congrats on choosing to lose weight. A book that I found so helpful in my journey is by Judith Beck. The Beck Diet Solution. I learned many tools. Check it out at the library
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited June 2015
    Agree with posters above.
    1) Fiancé is not on board (even though he has 100 lbs to loose)
    My husband was not really on board for the first year, though he is somebody that likes healthy foods. For the first year or so it was just me and that worked fine. I learned to say no at the worksnacks/sweets and and if my husband suggested a meal that would not fit my calorie goal for the day I would suggest something else. He usually did not mind the change
    It was not until he was ready that he got on board. He's lost all he wanted to loose already and is happy to MFP along now. And yes I will admit that hving him on board makes it easier now, but it can be done without.
    2) food budget of $100 a week for two people
    Very doable IMO I can suggest a few sites, note they are British, not US but very very good for very tasty budget eating. Jack Monroe - she used to live under the breadline and had a small child to feed. This blog became her career after a few hard years Also Jamie Olivers has a focus on some cheap recipes that may help
    3) bored with at home workouts
    So was I, Home workouts is how I start my day and then I start walking. Many then turn to jogging or running. I did not. I turned to hiking :) Love going for long walks outdoors and seeing the changes in nature.

    You rightully have identified your obstacles, but none of them are impossible to overcome if you want to overcome them The MFP and the community are great help and can support you on your journey, if it is the journey that you decide to take
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Move more, eat in a deficit and you'll lose.