
I have NEVER been able to jog even as a skinny kid that I USED to be lol I find myself not breathing right. ANYWAYS, I have recently discovered that I can do a short jog. Can anyone give me any tips on how to build up to going longer?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Couch 2 5k program

    If you have a smart phone there are a bunch of apps for this. Some are free. My favorite is Zombies,Run!5k, but it's one you have to pay for.
  • cyronius
    cyronius Posts: 157 Member
    I have NEVER been able to jog even as a skinny kid that I USED to be lol I find myself not breathing right.

    As for the breathing, something that I've found is that the first minute or two of running *always* feel like that for me. My breathing isn't sorted, and I feel like I want to stop. But as I get in to it, something changes, or clicks or warms up, and my breathing sorts itself out and then I can just keep running.

    Couch25K is awesome! I did Week 5 Day 3 of C25K this morning, and managed to run for 20 minutes straight! It's awesome, because it gives you short bursts of running and then walking, which let you build up to the longer runs and get passed the breathing issues.
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    I have NEVER been able to jog even as a skinny kid that I USED to be lol I find myself not breathing right. ANYWAYS, I have recently discovered that I can do a short jog. Can anyone give me any tips on how to build up to going longer?

    Don't obsess about running quickly when you start out. Start out with a very slow trot and go for a mile the first few times. Then push it up to a mile and a half. Keep doing this 'til you get up to two or three miles, then start increasing your pace. Before you know it, you'll be signing up for your first 5K race!!! :wink:
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    C25k us awesome. There's a fairly active group where you post your progress and read posts. I'm on W7 and I give all the credit to this program and the support I get from this group. Good luck.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Pick a distance, mine was 3 miles.

    Run-walk-run-walk-run-walk until 3 miles is complete. Do this each exercise day. As time goes by you will progress into running more and walking less until eventually you run the entire 3 miles. Don't be in a rush, it will take a few months or more.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Slow down and then slow down some more. While you're running (except when doing speed work) your breathing should be relaxed. If your short of breath you're going to fast.

    Depending on your current level of fitness this may mean walking for now and the gradually adding short, slow running intervals.

    When I started running I couldn't make it around the block without thinking death would have been a blessed relief. I started off "running" (more like a slow shuffle) 1 minute followed by 9 minutes of walking, then 2 min running / 8 walking etc etc until I could run the whole 10 minutes and then I gradually built from there. I now run half marathons & Olympic distance took years to get there, don't rush your progress.

    Consistency and patience are your friends. It's also important to include other activities in your fitness program. Biking & swimming both complement running and strength training can help make you more resistant to injuries.

    Have fun!
  • jusme662
    jusme662 Posts: 8 Member
    I have NEVER been able to jog even as a skinny kid that I USED to be lol I find myself not breathing right. ANYWAYS, I have recently discovered that I can do a short jog. Can anyone give me any tips on how to build up to going longer?

    When I first started, I couldn't jog a mile without stopping but I continued to jog every other day and now I'm at 3 miles. I think controlling my breathing helped in addition to a slow steady pace and consistency. I've learned that when you're breathing heavily, your body thinks you're tired when you're not... Hope this helps. Good luck
  • demoiselle2014
    demoiselle2014 Posts: 474 Member
    As a kid/teen, I couldn't run without getting a stitch in my side. For the last 9 weeks, I've been doing C25K and have been surprised that I haven't had any trouble breathing. Part of this may be that I took some yoga and meditation classes, and learned how to focus on my breathing so it doesn't get quick and shallow when I run. The other part may be that I (accidentally) increased my cardio levels very slowly by taking up partner dancing, which I've been doing regularly for the last year and a half.

    Anyway, I just want to give a word of support that it is possible to have been a kid who couldn't run, and become an adult who can! Good luck.