

  • broscientist
    broscientist Posts: 102 Member
    Everyone has different theories on what to do - ugghh !!!!

    lol, that's why it's really useless to ask for help here sometimes. For every good advise you get, you get just as much pseudo science advice.

    I don't think you are looking at the big picture on how to lose weight.
    To lose weight, you need to keep track of calories. The absolute rule you need to follow is to eat less than your TDEE.
    Next rule is to get your Macro straight:

    From justsomerando:
    Stay within your calorie limit, aim for at least 1g protein per pound of lean body mass, aim for at least .35g fat per pound of body weight, and let the rest fall where it may.

    As far as Sugar, white bread, and sodium, just keep it in moderation. It is completely fine to keep eating them.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I worked on calories first, then macros (protein, fat, and carbs), and then fiber. I'm not concerned about sugar except as it relates to keeping my carbs in check. Sodium causes water retention but that's it, unless you've got a medical reason to need to limit it.

    It depends on your goals. My goals were weight loss and then body composition. Calories are for weight loss, macros are for body composition.
  • Christina8585
    Christina8585 Posts: 73 Member
    For me, when I first started, I found that I had to cut down in different ways.
    I went from drinking soda, to only drinking water, milk or orange juice.
    I went from drinking coffee with two sugars and milk, to one sugar and milk, and then to drinking it black, which was hard to get used to , but now I love it.
    With salt, I basically just stopped putting salt on things. If there was already salt on it. And I took away condiments like Mayo and peanut butter.
    I now say to myself, " Garlic is the new salt, and Mustard is the new mayo" and that helps.
    As for bread, I go to brown bread and I love it.
    I would say pick one thing and start with that, then progress over time to the next. I couldn't cut it all out all at once.
  • I think Sugar(refined) is definitely the first thing to cut down on. Foods that are high in sugar tend to be high in calories and low in weight/nutrients. Leaving you feeling less full and with a blood sugar spike causing all sorts of problems like having your energy plummet after the sugar rush ends.
    YES. Sugar also drives you to eat more sugar in the form of starches and processed foods, so the sooner you can cut it out or lower it (the body doesn't recognize under 10g/serving) the better). If you consume more than 10g of sugar at any time, make sure it's with a protein and a fruit/vegetable so it's less stressful on your body.
  • broscientist
    broscientist Posts: 102 Member
    (the body doesn't recognize under 10g/serving). If you consume more than 10g of sugar at any time, make sure it's with a protein and a fruit/vegetable so it's less stressful on your body.

    And I thought I was the broscience expert.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    (the body doesn't recognize under 10g/serving). If you consume more than 10g of sugar at any time, make sure it's with a protein and a fruit/vegetable so it's less stressful on your body.

    And I thought I was the broscience expert.
    I'm assuming she meant 10 calories of carbs/sugar (2.5g) is low enough that glucose levels will remain at baseline so there won't be any insulin response.