New Girl

Hey there!

I'm Jade and I'm new here; although as my title says I am definitely not new to weight loss!

Being disabled (I'm reliant on a wheelchair) makes it tough because it's really difficult to exercise while you're permanently sat down!
So my focus is on eating better - portion control, good food choices, etc...

As of next week I'll be starting the Jane Plan diet which I'm actually excited about as it's the only one I've found so far that has nice looking food and that caters for gluten intolerances (I'm not celiac, but wheat and gluten makes me very sick and itchy so I avoid it).

So that's me!
Anything else you wanna know just ask :)

J x


  • Jobeth1961
    Jobeth1961 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Jade, I've just completed week 1 on the Jane Plan, hope you're enjoying it. How's it going for you?
  • JadeBlueAfterglow
    JadeBlueAfterglow Posts: 4 Member
    I as happy with my weight loss at the end of week one but I'm in week two and I've somehow gained weight.
    Not sure how, but hopefully I can fix it next week!

    How are you getting in?