Trying to get under 200, starting C25k

Hi! I'm Tori! I had great success with MFP last year, going from 250 down to a low of 217.5. I got lazy with MFP over the holidays, but by eating moderately, kept within 5 pounds of my low through April. In May my husband and I decided to move from Tennessee to my home state of Oregon. For us that involves selling our home and my shop which are both large parts of my identity. It has moved really quickly. I have 3 people interested in my shop and we should have a formal offer on our house this evening.
Through all this I'm realizing that when I feel emotionally worn out I crave comfort food and the comfort of being waited on at a restaurant. I'm trying to recalibrate my behavior and substitute walking the dogs when I have these feelings. I'm also starting C25k this week.
Looking for friends to keep each other accountable and provide support and encouragement. Let's be friends!!!!