Holiday in 8 Weeks!

I go on my holiday in 8 weeks from now, and therefore have 8 weeks to do something about my body. I intend to start on Insanity tonight (again). I've only ever completed it once, this was back in 2013 and at the end I looked the best I've ever looked and felt the best I'd ever felt. Since then, it's gone downhill dramatically, I've kept trying to get back into it (anything that is, not just Insanity).

I've had trouble with work, home, diagnosed with depression but slowly making my way out of this, I've used comfort eating as an excuse and I've watched myself grow (in the wrong way) over a period of time without doing anything about it.

My third child is due any day now, we are going on holiday in 8 weeks time, and today I feel ready to give it a go! A proper go this time! The thing that worries me is I've felt like this about 5 times before and the whole fitness / exercise / clean eating thing lasted a week at most before I let it fall through.

How does everyone keep motivated?


  • rebeccaEsmith
    rebeccaEsmith Posts: 1,136 Member
    Set yourself mini goals and daily goals like go for a 30min walk etc. you can do it
  • SunflowerSandra
    SunflowerSandra Posts: 70 Member
    It might help to think about what stopped you before? Was it because you only had carrots? Try flexible dieting (anything goes as long as it fit your calories (or macros). Was it the high intensity of working out? Start with once or twice a week. I create room for oreo's and ice cream because for me it is about creating an eating pattern that will last me a lifetime...

    I also take weekly progress pictures (front and side). Which are awful because it shows every imperfection, but, it also shows progress! I try to find all the difference between my first pic and the current one. That really motivates me.