3,134 Calories, that can't be right?

I'm brand new to this myfitnesspal, and it looks like a great website. However, they say that I should consume 3, 134 calories a day! That can't be right, can it?

Here's some basic info about me.
305 lbs
28 yo

I started a weight-lifting and a cardio routine that keeps me active (and is challenging) every day except Sundays. I do cardio 4 times a week and lift weights three times a week.

I usually (since I started to care about my weight) eat around 2,000 calories quite comfortably.


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    How tall are you and how long does your cardio/lifting routine take? How much is cardio and how much is lifting?

    It's entirely possible. My husband, who is 6'2", 275lbs and in his 40s burns 3400 and eats 2600 daily.
  • RilusMaximus
    RilusMaximus Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5. 8"

    Twice a week I do 45 min cardio (<5.0), and twice I briskly walk (3.5) for 25 mins.
    My lifting (on the 25 min days) can last from an hour to and hour and a half.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    The numbers DO get a little skewed in the higher weight ranges: but I would say try it for a while, see how it goes. As you lose weight, you will be given fewer calories, so just keep that in mind. You do need a certain amount to keep that large body going.

    That said, if you can afford it, go see a Dietician or a doctor who is trained in weight loss for just a consultation. It would be super helpful to you.
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member

    Scoobysworkshop puts you at 3640 to lose at TDEE - 20%; 3412 to lose at TDEE - 25%. So 3134 doesn't sound too off the mark. Make sure to always re-run the calculation after losing about 5 pounds.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member

    Scoobysworkshop puts you at 3640 to lose at TDEE - 20%; 3412 to lose at TDEE - 25%. So 3134 doesn't sound too off the mark. Make sure to always re-run the calculation after losing about 5 pounds.

    If that's the case, then yeah... MFP assumes you're going to add exercise calories. Maybe that's where you're off... the MFP activity multiplier is for lifestyle activity and not exercise. So your exercise shouldn't be included. If you set your activity setting to "lightly active" and then add your exercise when you do it, it will add the exercise calories at that point, which should have you eating somewhere around 3400-3600 calories daily gross i.e. after adding exercise calories to your target. Your net would be lower than 3134 I suspect.
  • soxx226
    soxx226 Posts: 89 Member
    Our stats are about dead even, I'm 28 male 6' and weigh 305. Mine says 1990 calories a day at Sedentary activity level. Even though my activity level prob should be higher I don't like to change it higher.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I am shorter and female. At one point in my life I was burning over 4000 calories a day. Unfortunately I was entirely capable of eating more than that. So, that number actually looks low to me. But, I am assuming that is a deficit amount to be that low and you set it up for 2 pounds a week?