Basis Peak Died, Best Wearable Device?

Hi everyone, I'm new here so please be gentle.

I signed up because it looks like there's a huge wearable fitness device community here. I got a Basis Peak for Christmas and liked its function even though the big, ugly black band wasn't exactly nice for a woman. I had syncing problems regularly and now left it on the charger 48 hours which seems to have killed it. I'm waiting to hear from support but I think it's time for a new device.

I've been through pages and pages of reviews, and everything is so mixed. It's all love or hate. I thought it best to get advice from real people so here I am. Step count is obviously mandatory, and I definitely want a heart rate monitor. I'd like waterproof but it's not totally necessary. I would really appreciate opinions because I feel naked without my device and want a new one soon. I love the looks of this community so I plan to spend a lot more time here. It's great to see so many others using devices.
