Looking for friends to keep me motivated!

Hello! My name is Joshua. I just turned 26, and I want to start living life for me. I need a change! I'm looking for some new friends that can help keep me motivated to log, work out, and hold me accountable so I won't be tempted to have that cake that's on the counter. Of course, I love to help motivate my friends, so I would be trying to keep you motivated as well! Let's be friends and kick ourselves into shape! :)


  • SongDragon
    SongDragon Posts: 205 Member
    I will if you will! It's less about not having the cake and more about saving it for special occasions for me. As well as healthy portion sizes and at least trying to work out.

    My friend list is a ghost town. I'm a year older at twenty -seven and just got back into this a couple months ago. I'm Jennifer. And my profile is very outdated since I mostly access this through my phone.
  • NancMoss
    NancMoss Posts: 90 Member
    No more cake or sugar for you!! Lol

    Hey im Nanc. trying to get back into my athletic shape I was. I have 60lbs to vanish. So NO sugar for me.
  • jlpurdham
    jlpurdham Posts: 11 Member
    Nice to meet you both! I'll try and keep the sugar to a minimum! Looking forward to seeing both of your progress! (And hopefully some of my own!)