How to add recipes and get them to show up afterwards

CarrolJM Posts: 2 Member
I am fairly new to this app on my Android phone. I was recently diagnosed with Diabetes and have found myfitnesspal great when entering items by themself and entering store purchased recipes. However I am having great difficulty adding my recipes and getting the app to actually enter my recipe into the system so that I can find it to add to my selected meal for the day. I actually tried entering 2 recipes I had posted previously onto a food site using the URL. It appeared to work correctly but when I then tried to go to the recipe by entering the name it wasn't listed. The same thing happened when I entered the entire recipes one item at a time. To say I'm frustrated is an understatement. Please, please help!


  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    When you want to use one of your recipes you need to select the "recipes" tab at the top of the app/diary page. Then you can choose the one you want.