Pimple and diet?



  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    edited June 2015
    macgurlnet wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    macgurlnet wrote: »
    What has worked for me is switching to Lush skincare products - might not be an option where you are :( They're pricey but it's been so worth it.

    I definitely agree that you should try to find gentler stuff. I was washing my face twice a day and still felt greasy. Now it's mostly just once. I use an exfoliating scrub 2x a week.

    Cutting back on sugar may help. I also started taking a fish oil supplement 2x a day and that's definitely helping, too. Guess I wasn't getting enough of those fats!


    I agree I use lush products (and cetaphil).

    Some things like Coalface, Angels on bare skin, cupcake, tea tree toner tabs, tea tree water, breath of fresh air, etc.

    A brief derail...do you use cetaphil lotion or the face wash, etc?

    I picked up the lotion and if it gets anywhere near my face I break out like whoa. I can use it anywhere else to moisturize but I have to make sure I wash my hands really well afterwards to get it off.

    On topic:

    I use Angels on Bare Skin, Cosmetic Warrior or Mask of Magnaminty, Ultrabland, Breath of Fresh Air, Vanishing Cream and Grease Lightning or Vanishing Cream depending on what my skin's up to.

    It's a lot of stuff but it's doing the job.


    oh, what i actually use and what works for me from Lush is Aqua Marina (so sad), Breath of Fresh Air, and brazened honey.

    My favorite face wash in plain cetaphil gentle (or awua marina). then throughout the day breath of fresh air. I don't moisturize, pretty much EVER, because I am usually allergic to most moisturizers. And to be honest, i dont get oily or too dry it's pretty balanced.

    The cetaphil moisturizer even makes my break out in hives. I tried the lush imperialis and i had to miss like 4 days from work because my face broke out in hives and my eyes were swollen shut. The only moisturizer i've found that works well for me is the Ole Henriksen sheer transformation. And it's more of a gelly/non greasy one.
  • BritBoogaloo
    BritBoogaloo Posts: 67 Member
    edited June 2015
    Dude. You're me 5 years ago.

    Now this is only MY experience, but I did want to weigh in on this one.

    Until 5 years ago I had TERRIBLE acne- all over my face and back. It was really, really severe and awful. I wish I could show you a "before" picture but I was reluctant about taking pictures in that time because of how bad my skin was.

    I tried EVERYTHING. Face washes, toners, creams, everything. I was on Proactiv (benzoyl peroxide) for a while and it did work while I was using their products, but as soon as I ran out of product and skipped a day or two, I would experience TERRIBLE breakouts, worse than before.

    Then 5 years ago, I talked to a friend with perfect skin who used to have bad skin and I asked her what her secret was.

    Here's what she told me: do less. Stop using the creams, stop using face wash, throw them all away. If you wear makeup, use makeup wipes (or if you don't, use a mild cleansing wipe) followed by Cetaphil moisturiser ONCE a day. That's it. Don't touch your face, don't wet it, leave it alone as much as possible. If that doesn't work for 4 weeks, go to the doctor and try Roacutaine but try the natural method first.

    I was skeptical but I gave it a shot and I am so glad I did. It worked. Once I left my face alone for a while, my skin could start producing its own natural oils for a while and counterbalance all the crap I was putting on my skin every day. Everything cleared up and I've been pretty much pimple free ever since.

    My friend told me that if the above didn't work, I should try Roacutaine, but I never needed to once I actually started to leave my face alone.

    Here is my face today. I'm wearing makeup but you get the idea. :)a8v7us9lnshm.jpg
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    macgurlnet wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    macgurlnet wrote: »
    What has worked for me is switching to Lush skincare products - might not be an option where you are :( They're pricey but it's been so worth it.

    I definitely agree that you should try to find gentler stuff. I was washing my face twice a day and still felt greasy. Now it's mostly just once. I use an exfoliating scrub 2x a week.

    Cutting back on sugar may help. I also started taking a fish oil supplement 2x a day and that's definitely helping, too. Guess I wasn't getting enough of those fats!


    I agree I use lush products (and cetaphil).

    Some things like Coalface, Angels on bare skin, cupcake, tea tree toner tabs, tea tree water, breath of fresh air, etc.

    A brief derail...do you use cetaphil lotion or the face wash, etc?

    I picked up the lotion and if it gets anywhere near my face I break out like whoa. I can use it anywhere else to moisturize but I have to make sure I wash my hands really well afterwards to get it off.

    On topic:

    I use Angels on Bare Skin, Cosmetic Warrior or Mask of Magnaminty, Ultrabland, Breath of Fresh Air, Vanishing Cream and Grease Lightning or Vanishing Cream depending on what my skin's up to.

    It's a lot of stuff but it's doing the job.


    oh, what i actually use and what works for me from Lush is Aqua Marina (so sad), Breath of Fresh Air, and brazened honey.

    My favorite face wash in plain cetaphil gentle (or awua marina). then throughout the day breath of fresh air. I don't moisturize, pretty much EVER, because I am usually allergic to most moisturizers. And to be honest, i dont get oily or too dry it's pretty balanced.

    The cetaphil moisturizer even makes my break out in hives. I tried the lush imperialis and i had to miss like 4 days from work because my face broke out in hives and my eyes were swollen shut. The only moisturizer i've found that works well for me is the Ole Henriksen sheer transformation. And it's more of a gelly/non greasy one.

    I'm always game for trying out something new to see if it makes things better, hence the question.

    Sorry to hear about those reactions, though. Yikes!!

  • alicafernandez
    alicafernandez Posts: 4 Member
    edited November 2015
    There is some part of it related to your diet which cause pimples and acne. If you eat oily on regular basis then it must be the case for your pimples. But if not then you have to use correct skincare product for yourself which will effective cure your pimple problems. I genuinely believe that using the asset of organic and natural Stem cell skincare products helps a lot to deal with such critical pimple issues. I also had pimples and acne once but after using suitable product which suits all skin types. My skin can now freely breathe and at the same time its radiant and glowing. For scrub I can suggest you to use Medicated acne facial scrub of image skincare.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    Coconut oil.

    I will never put anything else on my face.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    If you think it's related to diet, make sure you are tracking what you eat and when you get breakouts. (For me it's peanuts and the fake butter they have on movie theatre popcorn). o_O

    Ditto on using cetaphil as a cleanser, and make sure you moisturize!!!!!! It sounds counter-intuitive, but if you strip all of your natural oils off your skin, your sebaceous glands will over compensate by creating more oil and sebum. Coconut oil is a good natural cleanser and moisturizer as it is antifungal and antibacterial.

    See a dermatologist if you can... as a last resort, they might be able to prescribe some medication to help if your breakouts are severe.
  • ketokasha
    ketokasha Posts: 15 Member
    I'm also a victim of acne . I'll be turning 20 years old on the 8th of this month . I've noticed from experience that high glycemic foods and sugar cause break outs in my skin . You could be suffering from high blood sugars and inflammation . I've been curing my acne with Keto !
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I had adult onset acne in my 30s. It clears up if I cut sugars and eat a LCHF diet and limit dairy. I'd gone from a dozen pimples on my chin, back and scalp at any given time to usually none.
  • sallygroundhog
    sallygroundhog Posts: 133 Member
    ketokasha wrote: »
    I'm also a victim of acne . I'll be turning 20 years old on the 8th of this month . I've noticed from experience that high glycemic foods and sugar cause break outs in my skin . You could be suffering from high blood sugars and inflammation . I've been curing my acne with Keto !

    +1 sugar and high glycemic foods make my skin oilier, but greasy fatty foods don't. I hope you find something that works for you.
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    edited November 2015
    Not drinking pop helps me a lot, I've noticed patterns of my breakouts from on and off giving up pop. Everyone's skin is different, mine is dry. I use Queen Helen Coco Butter (Walgreen's $3, huge bottle) on my face twice a day after my showers. I only use soap if I have to, usually I wash my face with warm water, blot my face dry with a soft cloth, and then use the lotion right away afterwards. Had acne throughout high school and beginning of college, this was the main thing that helped. I rarely get pimples anymore.

    If your skin is dry, don't use alcohol products on it!!! All you are doing is drying it out more. You need to lightly moisturize with a water based product and not use soap. If you wear makeup buy a lotion makeup remover, Avon makes a good one, very cheap.
  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    I found cutting back on sugary and fatty foods, washing with an antibacterial face wash instead of bar soap, and drinking fresh lemon juice in water helped a lot in clearing up any spot outbreaks I had in my teens and twenties.