Free Days



  • elcollins24
    elcollins24 Posts: 42 Member
    As often as I need a free day! I understand it will impact on my weight loss/gain but lifes unpredictable. If my friend has a birthday and makes her delicious home made cheesecake then i allow myself a slice.
    I spent a day travelling NZ to Aus and i ate whatever i wanted because i did not have the patience to be worrying about food while doing 3 connecting flights!
    As long as i'm good most of the time i'm happy with myself
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    In the sense that I eat what I choose to eat, every day is a free day. But in the sense of indulging, I waited until I'd lost 75 pounds, then I indulged some. I'm going to indulge at 150 and then again whoever I'm like" "This is it! I'm done!"

    I know we aren't dogs and shouldn't reward ourselves with food...I just don't care. :)
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    When I first started, I gave myself "free days" when I reached certain milestones. I logged on those days, but did not limit myself or feel bad about going over my calories. I'd just eat whatever and as much as I wanted until I was full. That was usually around 10k calories. Those milestones only came a few days per year, though, so the high calorie count wasn't the end of the world (besides, I had to reach a certain weight before allowing another free day).

    Over time, I've allowed myself more and more "free days." I just have gotten so frustrated with dieting after 1 1/2 years. Recently, though, my dad died (6/13) and I've really let myself go some days. Other days, I have had enough exercise, though, to almost cover the days I went over. I find comfort in food... even though I know better, it is difficult to resist. Anyway, I really need to stop using that as an excuse if I can find the willpower.
  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
    I don't stress over them. I plan my day out, including "treats" if I want one that day, but I also don't worry if I occasionally go over my goals. Its one day, not the end of the world. I don't plan "free" days and just pig out though either....not because of the calories, but because I don't feel well afterwards and its just not enjoyable.