Postpartum weightloss support please

Before pregnancy....I looked like this

I gave birth to a healthy 7lb 4oz baby a couple of months ago...and now i look like this


I feel completely overwhelmed by how much I damaged my body during pregnancy, because I admit I went overboard and now I have to work 5x as hard than I did pre pregnancy...I really want to create a comforting and supportive group so that we stay motivated...I need a push and as a new mom it gets difficult some days...but I know with some support I can do it :)

My goal is to lose the 40lbs I gained and get back into a healthy regimen so that I can get into crossfit and be healthy for my husband and baby boy :)


  • emmoen
    emmoen Posts: 218 Member
    Having a child... Congrats and the aftermath can be overwhelming but it's going to take time. But after having 2 kiddos I have learned that even when you get back to pre-pregnancy weight your body will not be the same. AND that is okay. I'm still working on baby number 2 weight gain... About 7 lbs to go and it's been almost 1.5 years... So don't stress to much, take it a day at a time and try to make the best choices for yourself and the little one!
  • duffgurl
    duffgurl Posts: 13 Member
    Girl don't sweat it you can totally get back to what you want. It will take time and dedication. I'm a mother of two and I'm trying to get back to what I was once again after giving birth to my little one in March. If you need support will be happy to give it. Good luck on your journey
  • purpleann98
    purpleann98 Posts: 7 Member
    Awwwww thanks...I love hearing from other moms with experience!
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    2 months is too soon. It took 9 months to put on the weight, it will take at least that long to get back to where you were before. Focus on eating within your calorie goals, do not set ridiculously low goals or you will get exhausted, and ease your way back to exercise slowly. Do not panic and do not set unrealistic expectations regarding time. You being healthy and able to care for your baby is important, so take it easy, rest, and be patient.
  • purpleann98
    purpleann98 Posts: 7 Member
    Yea that's my problem...I'm so panicked by how I look that idk where to start...and the 2 month thing is just my short term goal to get back on track and get me motivated and going :)
  • boogiewookie
    boogiewookie Posts: 206 Member
    I was the same way. I was so overwhelmed and upset about the way my body changed after having my 2nd baby that I didn't know where to I didn't. I kept eating like I did when I was pregnant and never worked out. I gained back 25 of the 30lbs I dropped after I had him. finally (hes 11 months old!) I got tired of being so depressed about my body that I started working on it. I'm down 16 lbs but have a long way to go. it's great your taking initiative now instead of waiting. I'll be your weight loss buddy if you want :-)
  • denise33w
    denise33w Posts: 1 Member
    I feel you. I quit smoking three months before I got pregnant and gained thirty pounds. I'm now 38 weeks pregnant and have gained an additional 40 pounds on top of that. It's really been discouraging. I recently started up swimming again and started keeping track of calories (I don't really need to eat for two). Hang in there and you got this!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    There is a post-partum group you can join...

    I had my baby in January. I lost all my pregnancy weight by 17w pp. It takes alot of patience and understanding of calories.

    I wrote this up a couple weeks ago, maybe it will help you: