Hello everyone!

Hello all you wonderful people!

a little about myself;

I am 23 years old, just got married in December and since my husband and I started dating I had put on 60 lbs!!! YIKES!!!

Recently we had been trying for a baby but I wasn't having a monthly cycle and found out I have a very large tumor and some cysts, and although my specialist didn't really say anything, I know my chances of ever having a child would be better if I lost a LOT of weight not only for a baby but for my over all health!!

I have always been overweight my whole life, and it got worse over time. I would love some encouragement and some tips as to right now what i'm doing is cutting my calories by a lot and going on walks.

I started on Thursday 6/13 at 345 and have already lost 5-7 lbs, I try not to weigh myself every day but it's so exciting.
A lot of people keep telling me this isn't possible BUT, I am still eating but just managing my portions and counting calories and staying below my calorie intake!



  • Christina8585
    Christina8585 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi! :smile:
  • Hello :)
  • Hurdie69
    Hurdie69 Posts: 2
    Anything is possible. Just remember why your doing this. Good job keep it up.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    good for you , you can add me as your friend I am on here everyday, you got this!!!!
  • skinnylynnie74
    skinnylynnie74 Posts: 154 Member
    I was about your age when I decided to lose weight before getting pregnant. You are young and you can do it. I lost 30 lbs before I had my daughter and if I can do it, anyone can (this was before smart phones and myfitnesspal!) I lost 30 lbs two times since then. My weight gain has always been the result of medications for depression. I'm now off meds and trying to stay off and remain healthy. So far, so good! I will be your MFP friend, if you want to add me. Stay encouraged and if you slip up, just pick up where you left off!

    P.S. edited to add: I know my weight loss isn't as large a number as you want to lose but I have a friend who is currently in your situation. Newly married and in the 300's... She lost her first 10 lbs using MFP and is psyched! Another good friend lost more than 100 lbs and went on to successfully carry a set of twins who just turned 9! You are not alone. You can do this and you will become a mommy before you know it! :-) hugs!
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Hi! Welcome to the site! I've been here a little over a week and find it amazing! I was about 100 lbs overweight so I've been working on it. Over the course of 3 months, I've lost 34 lbs. :-) Once you get started in bettering your lifestyle, you'll find it hard to quit...hard to imagine why you waited so long...& you'll be a much happier person - at least I am/have.

    What I've been doing:

    Eat breakfast every day
    Drink 10-12 glasses water daily (keeps you feeling content)
    No snacking between meals
    Stop eating when 'feel' full @ meals
    Walk a few miles a week

    See, it's not too difficult...losing weight is an easy concept that can be hard to accomplish, but once you start and stick with it for a few months, you won't feel a need to stop; you'll begin to crave activity and junk food will seem less appealing.

    I admit that I don't have the best eating/exercising habits, but hey, I am seeing improvement. Takes time...lol.

    I'll send ya a request. :-) Anyone - feel free to add me.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Some people who have a lot to lose have a big loss the first week, so it's totally possible as you know. I'm very excited for you - what great motivation! Tell yourself that everything you eat is going to help the health and development of your future babies!

    I started 4/9/13 at 324 & have had great success - losing 2#/week consistently. Keep up the good work!! I'm on 1600 calories, log everything I eat, & try to exercise at least 30 minutes every day. My diary is open - friend me if you'd like.
  • Lpenny10
    Lpenny10 Posts: 1
    HELLO!!!! I am 31 years old and am currently 65 pounds away from my goal. My whole family is getting pictures done in October so I have a time frame to achieve this completely if not a good part of it. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for 3 years now I want to lose the weight to help our chances and be a healthier mom for my children. My husband is one of those people that can eat whatever he wants and doesn't gain weight (so aggravating). I am trying MFP to help hold me accountable!!!! If you would like to add me and we can hold each other accountable and help each other achieve our goals.
  • Hello...I believe you have lost the weight...and I think it is FANTASTIC! Keep up the good work!
  • Thank you all for your lovely replies! I will be adding all of you :) If that's okay! My husband is also on MFP and is losing weight. It's an eye opener when you step on that scale and you don't realize how much your body is carrying around. I'm so glad that theres everyone on here all shapes and sizes and not being judgmental. My calorie goal for MFP is 2385, I have been staying around 1200 or below. BUT, I also am not feeling hungry or anything and if I get hungry i'll have a protein bar to hold me over. I want to do this to save my life.