A Planned Binge Day.??..



  • LeanneGoingThin
    LeanneGoingThin Posts: 215 Member
    Does this work for you? What if i eat nearly 4500 calories on that day? Will i gain weight?

    You might gain some weight, but it won't be a lot. It's only 2.500 calories too much which might equal 1 lbs or so.
  • leadiax3
    leadiax3 Posts: 534 Member
    I couldnthandle a binge. Im working on moderating my treats in a way that willprevent binging. I know myself well enough to say that a binge will result in purge which is AWFUL.
  • rkasper22
    rkasper22 Posts: 61 Member
    may i lovingly share my thoughts?

    this is not LEADING to dangerous behavior... this is dangerous. i would seriously consider your relationship to food.

    science says that most of the time, you don't have to fear gaining weight. unless you have a serious metabolic issue, if you overeat, you will gain weight. period. but you don't have to freak out over anytime you overeat!

    ETA: i have struggled with swinging between anorexia and binge eating for years. it's this line of thinking i hear from you that has kept me stuck. please seek help. you really can have a sweet every single day. life is short. check my diary if you want. sending you hugs.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    indulge in a smaller portion more frequently and avoid having an all day binge.

    I will allow myself to go to friendly's and get the hunka chunka peanut butter lava cake sunday- it's like 1770 calories.

    I'm supposed to be eating around 1900.

    I pretty much eat like a bird the rest of the day- I don't do it but every 2-3 months (I've done it 2x this year total) and I love eating it- I feel disgusting after- but that's my big "splurge"
    otherwise... guess what- I have an ice cream or a beer once or twice during the week- I make sure WITH that - I'm still well under my calories for the day.

    binging by thousands of calories on purpose once a month is too much. not healthy- physically or mentally.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    Dangerous for me. A day becomes a week becomes a month becomes a year becomes a decade and before I know it I've gained another 50 pounds.

  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    I try to just indulge in a dessert or "not good for me" food once or twice a week. I typically do really good with eating within my calories during the week so sometimes on the weekends, especially if I have an event or special occasion, I will allow myself to indulge/go over calories/not track, but I wouldn't say I go too over board. I try to remember all of the progress I've made with MFP and how I have very gradually changed over to making good food choices. I feel like taking an entire day and eating nothing but "bad for you" foods would be a step back, and I would probably be hard on myself.

    Maybe if you are feeling the urge to do this you are not allowing yourself to indulge enough. I think a few times on small items throughout the month is better than one entire day of going crazy.

    Just my opinion though! Do what works for you I guess.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I do a cheat meal every week, but I calorie cycle through the week; so at the end of the week, I really havent done too much damage. The day before TOM, I normally go a bit crazy. I can hit 2500 cals for that day or so, but thats not going too far over my TDEE. When you go over a LOT, just focus on that day and get right back on it the next day. My problem has always been DAMN MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!! I will just start fresh on Monday!! When I do that Monday eludes me every damn time!! So my best piece of advice is if you are going to do a big time cheat day, MAKE yourself get back on it the next day and exercise more that day!! You wont feel guilty about it and lets face it, this process is mostly mental anyway!! Good luck to ya!!!!
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    A binge day, that sounds lovely just about now.
    I used to allow myself one binge day a week when I was trying to lose weight. On one hand it worked by keeping me motivated to stay on track throughout the week in order to have that entire day of junk food, but then on the other hand I noticed my binge days were just getting more and more unhealthy and consisted of way too many calories that ended up cancelling out all my weight loss efforts.
    If it works for you and your "binge days" don't consist of junk food every second of the day, I say go for it! It just didn't work for me. It also made my body feel terribly ill from the excess amount of sodium, fat, and sugar I was consuming.
    It did speed up my metabolism and make it easier at first to lose more weight, but that eventually changed as my body adjusted and just decided to cling onto the fat instead.
    It's worth trying out though if you really want to, just try to be mindful about it! Good luck :)