New account!

Hi I'm Danny 26, 6ft1, from England. I've just downloaded this app 5 days ago but was locked out of my original account. I hope this app may give me the extra push I need to gain weight again.
I do find it difficult to gain weight as I pretty much hate food, eating has never been a pleasure but always a chore.
In 2009 I dropped to my lowest weight ever due to poor lifestyle, 10.9 stone!
7 months later I bulked up to 15 stone, after a while of again indulging in a poor lifestyle I managed to drop to around 12 stoned by 2011, 7 months later I bulked up again to 16 stone, the biggest I've been.
It's now 2015 and I've dropped to 12 stone again. Given the right environment I can make gains pretty quick. Free time in the free world is easy to waste and I've wasted too much.
Thank you for taking time time to read this, add me as a friend & hopefully we can support each other, whatever your goals maybe. ADD ME!!!


  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Holy *kitten* dude,

    you got locked out of your account AND lost your clothes? That's a bad week by anyone's standards...
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    haha pitty I didnt feel that way about food im addicted! Good luck anyway
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
  • DannyStonehouse
    DannyStonehouse Posts: 4 Member
    jimmmer... dude... I get paid to lose my clothes daily, never a bad week for me bro.