natural body type?



  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm pretty rectangular and then go apple shaped when fat. My hips are 38" and my waist is 30.5" on a good day. I've never actually measured my shoulders but I think they are slightly broader than my hips.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    If you've hit your goal (whatever that may be) does it matter what body shape you are, really? I always wanted to be an hourglass shape (of course!! lol) and I realized lately I'm more of an apple shape with a lot of my weight in the middle of my body, however like you I am not a petite framed person. Women in my family are hardly ever under 5'11 . . . I'm the short one at 5'9. I feel like an amazonian most days lol, but we just aren't tiny women at all. We're all relatively thickly built (some of us are phenomenal athletes, I am not one of them . . . I'm just average lol). You're not going to change your body shape, so I'd say embrace it :) just enjoy your success and flaunt whatever you've got . . . I don't think your body shape matters.

    I do love that someone put on here to check out mybodygallery because it's amazing how women of the same height and weight, or even size can look so different from one another. Definitely goes to show it takes all shapes and sizes.

    Congrats on your success, so far :) I'm sure you look amazing regardless of your body shape :)
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    edited June 2015

    By your current measurements, it says your Banana/Straight shaped. This is equivalent to the rectangular shape described on Wikipedia.

    This shape carries its weight in the bust and midsection. If it matters to you, your in the majority ( 46% in study by NC State in 2005 ).

    What this means for you, if you want a flat, toned stomach with some definition, is that your probably going to have to get to a lower BMI that other shapes, to get the look you want. And, it will probably be more difficult to achieve/maintain that for others who carry weight differently.
  • Mikulam93
    Mikulam93 Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats on your success so far :smile:
    Your measurements definitely resemble an hourglass.

    ^like the above mentioned. Choosing a weight that you need to reach because you think that weight is superior for your body shape is selling yourself a bit short, don't you think ?
    I don't want to stamp all over your goals, but I've been down this road and honestly you'll feel best if you just put 100% into your health, feeling good and loving your body, alongside your dieting/training goals.
    And then whatever shape/form your body takes from these positive measures, try and embrace that, rather than thinking 'oh I should be xxx weight for my shape/height'. Just from personal experience :smile:

    I am a pear shape, but when I lean out for competitions (fitness model), I look very much more hourglass/straight.
    Also, my friends are my height and weigh about 60kg. That suits their builds. But when I get to 60kg, that's seriously light for me. I look too thin and look way better around 65kg. So remember, everyone's different :wink:
  • wildflowerherbal
    wildflowerherbal Posts: 28 Member
    pmm3437 wrote: »

    By your current measurements, it says your Banana/Straight shaped. This is equivalent to the rectangular shape described on Wikipedia.

    This shape carries its weight in the bust and midsection. If it matters to you, your in the majority ( 46% in study by NC State in 2005 ).

    What this means for you, if you want a flat, toned stomach with some definition, is that your probably going to have to get to a lower BMI that other shapes, to get the look you want. And, it will probably be more difficult to achieve/maintain that for others who carry weight differently.

    That is extremely helpful information , thank you so much !
  • wildflowerherbal
    wildflowerherbal Posts: 28 Member
    Mikulam93 wrote: »
    Congrats on your success so far :smile:
    Your measurements definitely resemble an hourglass.

    ^like the above mentioned. Choosing a weight that you need to reach because you think that weight is superior for your body shape is selling yourself a bit short, don't you think ?
    I don't want to stamp all over your goals, but I've been down this road and honestly you'll feel best if you just put 100% into your health, feeling good and loving your body, alongside your dieting/training goals.
    And then whatever shape/form your body takes from these positive measures, try and embrace that, rather than thinking 'oh I should be xxx weight for my shape/height'. Just from personal experience :smile:

    I am a pear shape, but when I lean out for competitions (fitness model), I look very much more hourglass/straight.
    Also, my friends are my height and weigh about 60kg. That suits their builds. But when I get to 60kg, that's seriously light for me. I look too thin and look way better around 65kg. So remember, everyone's different :wink:

    good advice thank you :) my body image is good and I'm a health freak so I don't stress about that. But knowing what I can realistically achieve and maintain is very helpful for me on my day to day efforts. I rarely go over calorie count of 1500 and do as much running as I can with 2 little kids around most of the time. Having achieved a normal BMI this month I'm really happy. I just wanna feel healthy and look good. I already look in the mirror and feel proud of a. body that runs 5k a week (6mths ago I couldn't run for 5minutes, literally) and has housed two gorgeous kids. So I feel good generally. Just honing it now!

    Are there exercises that can define the waist - obviously I need to remove the fat first ! X
  • wildflowerherbal
    wildflowerherbal Posts: 28 Member
    I've had a good look at mybody gallery and found some realistic pics to use as motivation. it's just a guide. I know what I do and don't want and have adjusted my goal to 10lbs lighter, so 125lbs as my first goal and BF% of around 19-21%. Currently 28% and 142lbs. Focus is on continued feeling amazing and running and having tons of energy with the aesthetics as a bonus. Thanks for all the help guys.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    pmm3437 wrote: »

    So I tried it with my own measurements and got: Sorry your body is not in the 4 shapes we calculate. Many women are not in the 4 shapes we calculate. The standard this calculator uses is mainly for western countries, or Caucasian women. It may not be the most suitable for other races.

    Haha what? I am a Caucasian woman.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    leggup wrote: »
    pmm3437 wrote: »

    So I tried it with my own measurements and got: Sorry your body is not in the 4 shapes we calculate. Many women are not in the 4 shapes we calculate. The standard this calculator uses is mainly for western countries, or Caucasian women. It may not be the most suitable for other races.

    Haha what? I am a Caucasian woman.

    That's funny.