IIFYM friends!

Hello everyone, I have been on MFP for a while now but have not been logging for a while now but its been a little over a week now I have been logging again. I have decided to try If It Fits Your Macros for a month or two to see how my body responds, and for me it is just more realistic for my life. I am wanting to lose fat and gain muscle, especially in my legs! I was successful at losing about 28 pounds counting calories but, at the time it was the beginning of my fitness journey and I was eating way too few calories and became way too obsessive which created a horrible binge/restrict cycle, I was at all good place for about 2 years but over this past year going through a rough break up I gained some weight back but, around 4 months ago I started eating healthy again and working out and actually lifting and have gained muscle for sure but I want to get rid of my stomach pooch and like i said look more cut. Anyways, I am rambling now, I am looking for some new friends with similar goals who follow IIFYM :)


  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    Just finishing a protein shake and then I'm tucking in to a nice Jam doughnut. Still a bit short on fat target for the day and have some calories to sapre, but pretty close to my macros from MFP.
  • Ironmaiden4life
    Ironmaiden4life Posts: 422 Member
    IIFYM here and love it!!! I came from a very restrictive diet protocol and once I came off competition prep I was finding I was having a lot of problems with food and going down a very unhealthy road. I switched prep coaches and got on IIFYM/Flexible Dieting and love it.

    I'm back to loving food again and couldn't be happier. By the sounds of it you will love it and FYI skinny cow ice cream as part of post work noms rock lol :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I follow IIFYM...but it's not about how your body responds per say.

    It is just a method of CICO to ensure you are hitting your macros while losing weight.

    Typically for those of us that lift heavy we need to make sure our proteins and fats are met following carbs (letting them fall where they may)

    what are your macros set at now? what lifting program are you following?

    Your profile doesn't indicate you are IIFYM type...based on 80% clean foods...why clean????

  • Mikulam93
    Mikulam93 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey IIFYM friend :) Because you said you're new to this, let me share a little story with you!

    I made the switch just over 6 months ago. I was a bikini competitor, lost a sh*tload of weight on a clean-eating plan, which ended up destroying me psychologically. I regained all the weight, plus more. Developed Bulimic habits and had a messed up relationship with food and sugar addiction. Switching to IIFYM has literally changed my life.

    At the beginning, it is a mind game. If you still struggle with that binge/restrict clean/dirty food mind game, give yourself time. Heaps of people say 'oh its sooo easy to do IIFYM'. Yes it is. But not at first, not if you're an ex-clean-eater. I remember freaking out about eating a piece of cake and then just binging all day, despite being on IIFYM. Because I let the clean/dirty mind game get the best of me. If this happens to you, try your best to ignore it, and just keep sticking to your macros no matter what the little voice in your head says! Eventually it goes away, so just trust the process.

    Now I look at food so differently, I feel like a different person. I literally do not experience emotion towards foods anymore and I have not binged in 6 months. That is a huge thing for many people. Committing to IIFYM in the long term has forced my brain to perceive foods as nothing more than just that- food. Some are tastier than others, some fill me up, some make me feel crap, some make me feel great. You just figure out what you like and go with it ! If you need pointers a long the way, there are great resources out there for free - highly recommend you follow Nick Cheadle and Layne Norton(Biolayne).

    Right now I usually eat on a typical day : protein porridge, yogurt, nuts, sushi, vegetable curried rice, fruit, salad, coffee and then whatever I feel like fitting in with the remaining macros :smiley:

    Good luck on your IIFYM journey. You won't regret it :smiley:
  • KC5115
    KC5115 Posts: 70 Member
    I follow IIFYM and it has really helped kickstart my weight loss! I wasn't losing but about a pound a month. I am up a little bit right now but I am down 14 pounds overall!
  • KC5115
    KC5115 Posts: 70 Member
    IIFYM here and love it!!! I came from a very restrictive diet protocol and once I came off competition prep I was finding I was having a lot of problems with food and going down a very unhealthy road. I switched prep coaches and got on IIFYM/Flexible Dieting and love it.

    I'm back to loving food again and couldn't be happier. By the sounds of it you will love it and FYI skinny cow ice cream as part of post work noms rock lol :)

    I plan my whole day around being able to eat icecream at the end of it!
  • inniebinnie
    inniebinnie Posts: 1 Member
    I've started IIFYM today, out of curiosity do only people within the competition prep world do this? I'm just a plain ole pastry chef whom mostly runs around the kitchen but I am 100% trying to cut the fat on my body and give myself some more muscle strength. I'm just not sure if this is the for the people looking to competitions only.
  • maggieeric1
    maggieeric1 Posts: 55 Member
    Not just for competition. It will work for you @inniebinnie