All I need is some motivation.

For the people who have lost weight or gotten to their goal weight, what made you stay motivated?
I find myself wanting this so incredibly bad and then in the beginning I'm down for it, but a couple weeks in, I'm not as motivated. Mainly because I wasn't seeing any results. I've literally done everything: weight loss pills, HCG diet, Sensa, P90x, and just simply going to the gym and doing their classes.

I'm about to start TurboFire Intense Cardio Conditioning program and I'm going to push myself to just get it done and over with.
Get to my goal weight and become healthy.

Motivation tips are greatly appreciated!! :)


  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Motivation comes from within. But, I think you might be perhaps doing things a bit on the extreme side. I'm guessing your approach has been a balls to the wall all or nothing sprint out of the gate, but after a week or two, you're annoyed because you have up everything and you didn't drop the weight. So whatever it is you were doing "doesn't work" and you forget about it. Until the next round.

    Head over to the success stories. What you'll find are pages and pages and pages of people who made sustainable changes to their lives. They log all their food, they got more active, and they did so in a way that is sustainable forever and ever. So rather than attempting to be "good" for however long you can manage, then breaking down because you just want a freaking cookie, try to incorporate the cookie from the get go.

    You don't need to be at be gym 100 hours a day. Really. Is that sustainable? Forever? Nope. Fit in an exercise of whatever variety you like enough to keep doing it forever. As you've learned, programs are only successful if you stick to them. So find something you enjoy doing. Do it a few times a week. Continue to do it.

    Eat fewer calories than you burn. That's the magic to losing weight. Doing it in a way you can continue to do forever is the magic that keeps the weight off. Patience, persistence and consistency are what makes for a success story.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    For the people who have lost weight or gotten to their goal weight, what made you stay motivated?
    I find myself wanting this so incredibly bad and then in the beginning I'm down for it, but a couple weeks in, I'm not as motivated. Mainly because I wasn't seeing any results. I've literally done everything: weight loss pills, HCG diet, Sensa, P90x, and just simply going to the gym and doing their classes.

    I'm about to start TurboFire Intense Cardio Conditioning program and I'm going to push myself to just get it done and over with.
    Get to my goal weight and become healthy.

    Motivation tips are greatly appreciated!! :)

    Getting to your goal weight is really only half the battle. Once you get there you will have to continue to watch your diet and exercise to remain healthy. Otherwise the weight will come back it will likely bring friends. So, it's really better to do something you can sustain for the long haul (rest of your life) rather than punishing yourself with an extreme exercise routine and low calorie diet and then go back to what packed on the pounds in the first place. A modest calorie cut 500 or so a day and add some exercise 30-60 minutes a day, will get you farther in the long run and it's sustainable until you reach goal where you will most likely find you need to increase your calories a bit, slowly though so you don't shock your body.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    If you're motivation is strong in yourself , then NOTHING stops you from achieving your goal.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    You probably aren't lacking motivation as you've joined a fitness/nutrition site and have tried other ways of losing weight... you just haven't found the right one, also known as the sustainable one.

    Most people don't lack motivation, they lack follow through.
  • Dont give up, the biggest obsticle to motivation is ""LAZYNESS""

    Dnt think about it just get up- out and go do it................... And if you mess up its OK just start AGAIN right there and then..........
    next time u want to put somethen in your mouth that you are second guessing and that you know you should not eat - Go look at your self in the mirror Naked! (lol sounds weird but it works)

    Its not easy but you have to do what YOU finds fun and motivating for YOU ( The first time I walked in a Zamba Class I fell in love and i always thought "theres no way in hell ill dance infront of FIT PPL!!! I was wrong .. It was more like: Man!! I am gonna so look like her soon :smile: I kept looking for motivation after that !

    It took me about two years to loose over 30 pds :blushing: after loosing and gaining! ( I could ove been at my goal weight by now! :explode: )

    MOTIVATION is gonna come out of you. look for things that get you PUMPED : LOUD MUSIC , pictures of yourself that you hate, fitness groups, Gyms , beautiful parks with fresh air, the heck if you have to do your hair and buy comfy cute Gym clothes to make you feel good & keep you going then JUST GO DO IT!!
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    For the people who have lost weight or gotten to their goal weight, what made you stay motivated?
    I find myself wanting this so incredibly bad and then in the beginning I'm down for it, but a couple weeks in, I'm not as motivated. Mainly because I wasn't seeing any results. I've literally done everything: weight loss pills, HCG diet, Sensa, P90x, and just simply going to the gym and doing their classes.

    I'm about to start TurboFire Intense Cardio Conditioning program and I'm going to push myself to just get it done and over with.
    Get to my goal weight and become healthy.

    Motivation tips are greatly appreciated!! :)

    Waking up in the morning and telling myself I can do better. I will do better. This fat is just a cage, and its time to break out.
  • sarahhorrigan
    sarahhorrigan Posts: 64 Member
    It seems like the things you're doing are all about weight loss results - not about making long term changes to your life. For me, it's been about getting more active and thinking about what I eat so that I don't overeat. I've lost weight, but it turns out that that's only one tiny bit of this. Getting healthy, feeling better and being fitter have been the things that I've really wanted and which have meant that the short-term high from a smaller number on the scales doesn't matter quite so much. I'm doing this for me, not just for a number.

    There is no quick fix, there is only long-term change.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    You have to get your diet right. You say you workout a lot, but your eating habits are bad. That will make any long term loss difficult. You have to make sustainable, long term changes to the way you think about food and the way you eat. You have to stop trying and decide to do. When you try, you let give yourself the option of saying "Well, at least I tried" and giving up. If you're serious about it, do it. No one can stop you but you. Good luck.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    You say you want to get it 'done and over with' and I think that's your problem.

    Maintaining a healthy weight and reprogramming your eating and exercise patterns to keep you there is not something many people will EVER be 'over and done with'. You can't just go back to being sedentary and eating garbage once you're done and expect to keep the results. This is a lifestyle change, a conscious decision to change habits you don't like and replace them with healthier ones, for good.

    I think maybe you might be going too hard, and it's burning you out. If you restrict all the foods you love and work yourself to exhaustion, of course you're not gonna want to do it longterm. Instead, why not take it a little slower, in steps you can see yourself keeping as a part of your life permanently?

    The first (and most important imo) step is understanding how to fuel your body properly. I suggest taking some time to learn about different kinds of nutrients and what they do for your body - speak to a nutritionist if you are able. I got myself down from almost 300 lbs to 160 over the 2 or 3 years before I joined MFP just by making a point of taking a nice, long walk every day, drinking water instead of juice or soda, and learning to properly portion "junk" foods and ensure I make nutritious food choices at least 75% of the time. That's literally all you have to do. No pills, no p90x, no crash diets. Feed your body properly and I promise you, everything else will get so much easier from there.
  • greenmm1980
    greenmm1980 Posts: 86 Member
    You get fit in the gym and lose weight in the kitchen. Motivation is a daily act and has to come from within and living healthy isnt something you get over and done with. You have to set small, obtainable, and measurable goals and have the follow through. Baby steps! One pound at a time, one right decision after another is how you reach and maintain your fitness goals.
  • strozman
    strozman Posts: 2,622 Member
    You have to get your diet right. You say you workout a lot, but your eating habits are bad. That will make any long term loss difficult. You have to make sustainable, long term changes to the way you think about food and the way you eat. You have to stop trying and decide to do. When you try, you let give yourself the option of saying "Well, at least I tried" and giving up. If you're serious about it, do it. No one can stop you but you. Good luck.

    Truth!!!!!!!!! Your diet has got to be right!!!!

    I find my motivation increases when I know I have to meet friends at the beach or pool. Places where I know women will judge my body. It just pushes me to diet/train harder
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    its really hard but u have to be patient. dont do anything extreme that you will get fed up of. i started off by just logging my food, i then started to make changes to my portions and add exercise. my exercise is just 18-45mins each day with one day rest. goid luck you can do it