Back. And looking for a strong support network!

I've been here a few times but since my lowest weight 2 years ago, I've now put on nearly 2 stone.
I'm back with an entirely different attitude this time. I'm focusing on getting fit and eating better, not getting thin. I'm not setting myself unrealistic targets and getting upset and fed up when I don't see the results I want.

Soooo, I'm looking for loads of new friends. Both newbies and old hats. People who can be a support when I'm struggling, maybe offer advice and share in each others victories.

I'm 21 and I'm working full time as well as studying for a diploma online so I can be super busy at times, if theres anyone else in a similar situation, it would be great to hear from you and we could keep each other motivated when we maybe don't have time to work out or are feeling tired and want to binge on sugary stuff?