Hello- How do you all balance a crazy week?

ndhanpat1114 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
when you work long hours due to OT how do you try to fit a workout in. I know 30 mins of aerobics in not enough but its something?
what do you all do? and tips


  • hey i always work out in the morning to make sure i get it in or else i wont do it ....i have 4 kids and work long hours so i know how u feel!!!!!!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I've had a crazy couple of weeks and haven't done the best at fitting in workouts. I try to make the most of the weekends. Yesterday I got home from work at 7ish, ate supper (which thankfully my husband had made before I got home), and then headed out to walk around 8. I got home just before the sun set... and it made for a *long* day. I know I couldn't do that every day but since it is an every once in a while thing it worked for me on that day. My opinion is that something is better than nothing every time!

    Also I don't know what you do for work but a few years ago while I was working a desk job I came across a Desk Workout. I'm sure it is on Youtube. All it required was a chair and it would fit into a break or lunch break.

    I also think that getting out in the morning is a great idea... and have to confess that I rarely make it up in time to do an am workout. I'm working on that!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'm a night person and a hard work out actually makes me sleepy - so I have often worked out as late as 11 pm. This is on top of full time+ grad school, P/T work, 2 school age kids (which means THEIR hw) and an additional leadership program. I also incorporate things that I can do anywhere like push-ups, sit ups, squats, leg lifts, etc. If you have any mobility at work and there are stairs, RUN them, don't walk. If you can take a brisk walk during your lunch hour, that's also an option. I've gone so far as to take hand weights to work and if I was sitting on a call that required all my mental attention, I'd sit there on the phone and do curls.

    Apply the addage "if there's a will there's a way" and you'll find what fits for you!
  • vineas
    vineas Posts: 84
    I slowly worked myself into being a morning workout person, getting up at 4:30 and working out right away, then going to work for the next 11 hrs or so. When working OT, I never have the energy to work out at night, so doing this way was about the only way I could work it all in.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Sacrifice sleep. I didn't get back to my hotel room until almost 9pm tonight and still spent 32 minutes on the treadmill in the fitness room. Looking forward to an early day tomorrow! Adrenaline is keeping me awake which kinda sucks but loving the endorphins.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I'm doing 60 hr/wk, 12 hr shifts, but no kids or school (yet).
    I walk 15-20 min before work, take stairs several times a day, walk 2x when I get home for 15-20 min depending on the weather
    I've started upper body work with weights curls and tricep extension, push ups (or I should say wall aways!) Took less than 8 min for all while watching TV! It all adds up, maybe not as fast as I'd like, but the numbers on the scale and tape measure keep going down:tongue:
  • withtree
    withtree Posts: 14
    Eat lunch at your desk and walk on all your breaks (morning, lunch, afternoon) that will give you an hour of walking and you will have walked two miles. If you get home too late to do a hard work out, then go for a walk. Anything you do is better than nothing, which is why I don't feel too bad if I don't work out, because I know that I have already walked on all of my breaks. It becomes challenging to schedule workout time when your normal schedule gets changed due to OT, kid's activities, vaction, and other events. The point is to strive to do something each day and, if you miss a day, don't beat yourself up over it, just move on and know that tomorrow is a new day!
  • ndhanpat1114
    ndhanpat1114 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for your advice! I will try to walk on my breaks too. Sometimes I do not havea moment to even do that.. I do try... Thanks
  • ndhanpat1114
    ndhanpat1114 Posts: 6 Member
    That is a good idea to do small weight lifts too.. I will try that !!! thanks :)
  • ndhanpat1114
    ndhanpat1114 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree! THATS WHAT I THINK, AT least if I can get sometime to do something that will get my heart going... That works :)
  • ndhanpat1114
    ndhanpat1114 Posts: 6 Member
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