Are You Eye Candy Now?



  • NotAResolution
    NotAResolution Posts: 58 Member
    I am training for a big race. I bike, swim and ride 6 days a week. I shave my legs once a week as well. Ladies, you know that reaction men give you when you catch them checking out your breasts? I caught a lady checking out my legs. I know she was checking them out cause she gave me that same reaction that men give ladies. It was funny. I work my *kitten* off to make those legs strong and efficient, it doesn't bother me one bit if folks check them out.
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    People at work have commented on my weight loss but since I'm still wearing the same size clothes (but baggier) I'm far from eye candy. I've always been hourglass curvy but my waist is tiny now and have been checked a couple of times when I'm wearing my closer fitting gym clothes.

    I didn't get comments about weight loss until I bought new clothes. Sad but when I wear one of my old bigger shirts I still look somewhat "huge" and not in shape but when I wear a more fitting shirt, I look so much better int he mirror imo but maybe it's a self-confidence thing. I bought two new fitted suits for work and when I wear them is when I get the most comments about weight loss and just two weeks ago while in a suit I got my first - "have you been working out comment".
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member

    Yeah....I'd say so. I'm conceited, what can I say. :P
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    Here and there. Not a ton, but I don't have that vibe methinks.

    Maybe I just don't have the confidence yet but I don't have that vibe either as I think I have a "plain" look to me. Do middle aged accountants like me really give off a sexual vibe?

    But I have noticed a look here and there and ladies being a little more friendly in random conversations around town, work, etc but maybe I just have a little more confidence than in the past. I still battle social anxiety so not one to strike up conversation with strangers.
  • MsHulkMN
    MsHulkMN Posts: 81 Member
    i'd say not me...
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I think I get hit on as much as I was when I was fat, but I have noticed that overall, people treat me better. I have gotten job offers (out of no-where) better customer service etc....
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    So who is getting checked out more now that they have dropped some lbs? Getting hit on? Do you like the new attention?

    I seem to have a noticed a few more "looks" but maybe that is just my increase in confidence helping my ego.

    I'd say the same thing... I notice more looks, but I think it's because now that I'm more confident, I'm not looking at the floor all the time. So it's very difficult to say a) that I'm getting checked out at all or b) that if I am, that it's more... It *seems* like more - so I'll take that and feel good about it. :)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I've never gotten hit on in my life (other than by my husband), thin or fat or thin again so nothing has changed there.

    In general, I feel like I have friendlier interactions when I am out and about but a big part of that is probably because I am more apt to smile and be friendly myself now. Now that I am thinking about it, I am probably more apt to say "hi" or smile at people who are out of shape or a bit overweight and maybe middle aged or older. Hopefully that doesn't mean that they all think I am flirting with them.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    yes... but honestly the dudes did hit on me when I was thick, too. I get compliments from women now also, usually on my tattoos or how my clothes look. :D Which, my tattoos are currently being shown completely because finally I can wear a bikini to the pool! On the other hand, sometimes women in the gym give me the stinkeye. No need, I am married. Not gonna take anyone's man (or woman.) On the other hand I know I look my age more because the skin where my jaw and neck meet is a bit loose, in the way it only does at middle age and up.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    yes... but honestly the dudes did hit on me when I was thick, too. I get compliments from women now also, usually on my tattoos or how my clothes look. :D Which, my tattoos are currently being shown completely because finally I can wear a bikini to the pool! On the other hand, sometimes women in the gym give me the stinkeye. No need, I am married. Not gonna take anyone's man (or woman.) On the other hand I know I look my age more because the skin where my jaw and neck meet is a bit loose, in the way it only does at middle age and up.

    I was looking at my profile in the mirror the other day and noticed the same thing with my jaw/neck. I was wondering if maybe that skin would tighten up a bit or if it was just a sign of middle age.
  • DragonShoe_GCole
    DragonShoe_GCole Posts: 137 Member
    Not at all. I'm decent but FAR from "eye candy" based off my own standards of "eye candy"
  • sbantonio
    sbantonio Posts: 161 Member
    You look great DragonShoe. Keep up the good work!
    Not at all. I'm decent but FAR from "eye candy" based off my own standards of "eye candy"

  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I get much more attention from random men now when I'm in public. Strangers try to help me load my car, carry bags, open doors and hold then when I'm super far away, offer me seats, offer me their seats (awkward), get flustered when talking to me, get nervous when talking with me, have shaky hands when social dancing with me, and, this is the weirdest, and in general encourage me to get away with way more stupidity. I wear a noticeable engagement ring and wedding band. I don't flirt. I have resting----face, if anything.

    It's the little stuff that is truly mind boggling. A few months ago my littlest (not actually threatening) dog was in our fenced yard. He started barking at a neighbor leaving his place. I ran out, picked up the dog, and apologized. Neighbor gave a vague nod but otherwise ignored me. The same scenario happened 2 weeks ago. Same neighbor, same apology, same barking small dog. Neighbor made an awkward laugh and said, "Ohh don't worry about it! Haaahhh dogs will be dogs."

    At bars, female bartenders ignore me now. Seriously. I have become invisible. They target the men standing next to me. My guess is they assume I'm getting other people to buy me drinks (e.g., the men around me).
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    kshadows wrote: »

    Yeah....I'd say so. I'm conceited, what can I say. :P

    Jeebus...nice bod
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