Vet "Move Program"

Hello everyone, I signed up just today. I am a Veteran and am enrolled in the Move Program through the VA.

I never knew how easy tracking calories was until today. This setup will definitely keep me motivated.

I have crohn's disease, so I struggle a lot with diet. Any tips from someone with crohn's who has successfully lost weight would be wonderful.

With crohn's you are not suppose to eat dairy, fried, ruffage, spicy, or have caffeine. You are suppose to limit fiber, grains, anything with seeds and skins, grizzly meats, nuts, etc etc. Of course when you start putting on weight they tell you to stay away from carbs, pastas, white rice and breads, etc etc. So, I often what I am suppose to eat besides baby food and grilled meats.

So in the process of getting "healthy" my body retained everything after purging it all when I was ill. I would like to lose a total of 57 more pounds. I have lost 6 in the last three weeks and have a goal set of .5 pounds a week. If I go loose more that is great, but I believe in taking it off slowly.

I wish everyone luck in their pursuit. Please feel free to respond.