I need help....

i have weighed 155 since feb. 4th 2013 when i got serious about my wight loss. Sine feb 4, 2013 i have been completely committed to my weight loss no fad diets or easy way outs to weight loss..... Since then I have weighed 155 but have lost 13 inches off my body 6 off my waist 2 off arms, and about 1.5 off legs. I went from a size tight 15 to a loose 10.. I admit i like my wine, i do boxed food but i feel like i do to much exercise to still not loss any weight!! Four months and noooo weight loss is it crazy or just me???


  • ChubbyMummy18
    I'm in a similar boat. I have been working hard for about 3 months now and I have seen little to no weight loss. I have lost inches and I'm definitely seeing changes in my body, but I can't help but want to see the scale go down. My best advice is to switch it up a little. Make changes to your diet and try new kinds of exercise. Someone gave me the very helpful advice of eating a high protein diet and that seems to be making a difference. It doesn't even have to be protein supplements. Just try eating a lot of meats, egg whites, etc. And if all else fails, try (even though it's hard) to find happiness in the fact that you're changing your life for the better, even if you don't lose pounds according to the scale. I have only been able to continue on this journey after making myself see that what I weigh isn't everything. Out of this, we're getting stronger bodies, extending the length of our lives, better moods, and just overall healthier lives. Hang in there. If you've lost that many inches so far, then you are doing something right :)
  • murdledoe
    murdledoe Posts: 98 Member
    Remember that muscles weighs more. Right now you are doing an amazing job! Do not get discouraged. Once your muscle tone slows down you will drop weight. Keep up the good work and continue to do what you are doing.
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    Please, please don't feel discouraged!

    I know this was my experience too. You're most likely gaining muscle which weighs more per volume than fat, and that's why you aren't seeing difference on the scales. However, your measurement show that you ARE losing weight and getting smaller and your hard work IS paying off!

    The number on the scale is not the whole story, you have to track your measurements and other NSV's like how your clothes fit. The scales will drop in time. My journey has been a lot of plateus on the scale and then sudden drops, but my measurements were getting smaller all the time because I was building muscle.

    Hang in there :drinker: