Need help and support!

I am desperately trying to she's some pounds. My fiancé says he will quit smoking cigs by 7/31 if I can lose some weight. He says he's not attracted to me right now because of the weight I have gained! Please add me as your friend and help me as I have NO idea what I am doing :) thank you :)


  • Strawili
    Strawili Posts: 48 Member
    :( My heart feels sad for you. He's not attracted to you because you have some extra weight? Tell him his cigarettes are disgusting.
  • amandadunwoody
    amandadunwoody Posts: 204 Member
    You can do it! Myfitnesspal has helped me a lot because I have to think about everything I eat. Plus the blog has links to workout ideas and healthier recipes. Any questions you have there's tons of people here to answer.