Sedentary vs Lightly Active

I recently changed my activity level from Lightly Active to Sedentary because I quit my job which kept me on my feet 8 hours a day. I plan on staying unemployed for a while while I go back to school full time, which means I'm going to be doing a lot more sitting around.

I am going to try to stay active though through walking and going to the gym. I'm uncertain where I should draw the line between sedentary and lightly active, thought. Because while I am trying to lose quite a bit of weight, I also don't want to be eating too few calories.

That being said, how much activity in a day would you think it takes to go from sedentary to lightly active?


  • mxmakm
    mxmakm Posts: 1,166 Member
    You could always see how it goes for a while and if you are losing too fast switch it back. I have mine set at sedentary because I don't work but I'm a full time student and a mother of three. MFP says I burn about 1700 a day but my FitBit Surge usually says 2200-2700 calories depending on my day so I am probably not really sedentary although some days I don't think I'm very active but I prefer to keep it set that way and it'll add calories as the day goes on. Walking around and walking to classes will make you more than sedentary, but you could also log your walking and eat some of those calories back if you want to stay at sedentary.

    Anyway, back to my first point, see how it goes for a while, like a few weeks, and if you aren't losing at the rate you want, change it to accommodate your goals.