Can I do this?

I'm hoping that this will help me get fit and and healthy. I am in my fourth week of a Diabetes class and have not been able to track my food. I have been feeling like a failure. I filled out my day today on this and it was great and easy. Well.. i gained a lb in my weigh in today in class and knew that was going to happen. i have never been able to lose weight and stay motivated. People around me don't like hearing a broken record. I hope that i can find support here and in my class to reach my goals. cw-185 gw-125 height 5'1


  • WonderPig
    WonderPig Posts: 7 Member
    You should not feel like a failure! you haven't given up and you have discovered fitnesspal now. The best thing for you to do is to examine the food you eat - processed foods should be replaced with foods you make from scratch and if possible organic. there are lots of healthy but most importantly really quick and easy recipes on the web that will help you! good luck!
  • joolieb1
    joolieb1 Posts: 140 Member
    Of course you can, you already started tracking and found it easy. I have been doing this for 2 weeks and lost 5 lbs which surprised me as only aiming for 1 lb a week! I track everything and plan each day in the morning and stick to it. I am also exercising well (which is not like me as I hate exercise)!