My life is dragging me down....

I feel like I'm losing my mind lately. Absolutely everything keeps going wrong. I keep looking for the good in things. I know they must exist somewhere... but they're getting harder to find.

A month ago, I lost my dad to diabetes. Three weeks later, while I was still crying almost every day over his death, my mom had a heart attack. Then, I break a tooth (which I know doesn't even match the level of the previous two events, but still sucks on top of everything else). Add this on top of not being able to sell a house that is suffocating us financially and emotionally (we desperately need something smaller). And, also, I'm not able to find a full-time job, which leads to the main reason we need to sell the house. My life just keeps going from bad to worse. And now, the doctors have me on a new diabetic medicine, along with antibiotics for my broken tooth... which have left me unable to function or even sleep due to the severe nausea. My depression is having a field day right now. And, of course, my weight and physical health doesn't help matters.

Something needs to change. SOON!!!


  • WonderPig
    WonderPig Posts: 7 Member
    Really sorry to hear about how your life is presently, I can empathise as last year was the worst year of my life emotionally, financially and mentally. I can tell you though that you can break through this in an incredibly short period of time. Starting with you is absolutely the right thing to do. Please look in to how you can reverse diabetes through your diet there is so much information available on the web about this, you can start by eating NO processed foods and moving to a whole foods diet that you make at home - you will feel good in no time. So far as your job and financial situation is concerned it is important to remember that this issues whilst they may feel all consuming are actually just like pimples - pimples come and they ruin the beauty in your face and ruin your day but pimples also fade after time and beauty is restored! Your problems will fade too - just take bite sized steps to make progress through them bite after bite you will feel stronger I promise!
  • anasvitlii
    anasvitlii Posts: 267 Member
    Sorry to hear that. I was recently in tough situation like you are right now. I like to think of it just as a rough period. Ugly things just keep happening, on and on. But, you know, sun always comes after rain, it's just a matter of time. Keep going forward, be strong, make your parents proud.