Nothing to do with weight loss.....really bad toothache

Hi, I am currently on mfp. But I need some advice.
My top wisdom tooth broke in half about 18months ago, I've had pain on and off for that time, but this weekend it's been killing me. I haven't been to the dentist for atleast 15yrs I am so scared of the dentists and needles, I think it's more the needles that bothers me. But as I said I'm in so much pain, I'm not even registered at a dentist. It hurts to talk, eat, drink etc :(

Ibuprofen isn't doing the job, it defiantly needs to come out but I'm bricking it. I've just spent the last hour searching wisdom teeth extractions online. Help please


  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    Go to a dentist.
  • I can sympathize with you as I've had tooth aches too in the past. Yes you may be scared of needles etc. but don't you think your current pain is worst? And a needle is usually in your mouth for less than a minute. Sounds like your current pain is there to stay until you do something. It's a choice you have to make. I'm sure most dentists take new patients so call around.
  • pootle1972
    pootle1972 Posts: 579 Member
    go but tell doubt they will extract under twilight sedative i really don't like either but go and grit my teeth so to speak and then collapse in a heap. nothing is worse than an ache....not even a dentist. uf in UK ring the local emergency line and get accessto a walk in clinic
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Go to the dentist...or pull the whole thing out with pliers (not recommended).
  • kitza101
    kitza101 Posts: 99 Member
    As a complete dental phobe, I can really relate to this. When we are afraid we put up with so much pain and discomfort, we don't even realise it. I have a fantastic dentist who does my dental work under sedation - it doesn't cost that much more than the usual dental trip (which in Australia is expensive anyway), and the after effects of the sedation are fine. It is the only way I can go to the dentist, so I will take whatever works! Until I found this dentist, who specialises in working on people like me, I hadn't been for 12 years.

    Stop researching online, you will only freak yourself out. Do not do any kind of home remedy. It is important to go to the dentist because you could end up with an infection, and you should not be in this kind of pain anyway, nor should you be having to modify your eating and drinking habits. Once this is sorted, you will be amazed at the amount of pain you have become used to being in and what a relief it is not to feel it any more. Tell your dentist that you are terrified. There are options they can give you. And remember that you can get through this, and once it is over, you are going to feel so good.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    you can get wisdom teeth removed in a hospital that is where my friend got hers taken out
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    You'd better get yourself to the dentist before you end up in the ER. My brother in law cracked his tooth and didn't get it taken care of. At first it was just pain, but then the infection set in (he went septic and the infection spread to the blood) and he ended up in the hospital in the ICU for several days. He spent 2 weeks in the hospital due to complications and ended up declaring bankruptcy. It's cheaper and easier to go to the dentist...
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    You don't want to mess around and get infected. An infection can lead to a lot of complications up to and including death. Sorry for being blunt. But, this is an emergency and it has to be taken care of asap.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    go to the dentist.

    they are really more aware these days about pain and phobias. Tell them upfront what freaks you out. tell them you have a very low threshold for pain. that's what i do. They usually numb the gum before the shot so it doesn't hurt as much.

    i had a LOT of dental work done over the years, including all four wisdom teeth and two other extractions. the wisdom teeth were relatively "easy" and "painless"...
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Hi, I am currently on mfp. But I need some advice.
    My top wisdom tooth broke in half about 18months ago, I've had pain on and off for that time, but this weekend it's been killing me. I haven't been to the dentist for atleast 15yrs I am so scared of the dentists and needles, I think it's more the needles that bothers me. But as I said I'm in so much pain, I'm not even registered at a dentist. It hurts to talk, eat, drink etc :(

    Ibuprofen isn't doing the job, it defiantly needs to come out but I'm bricking it. I've just spent the last hour searching wisdom teeth extractions online. Help please

    Go to a dentist NOW. Not in a week or a few days from now, NOW.

    My mother recently had a tooth break off (molar) and she tried putting it off and she got an abscessed tooth and a pretty bad infection. Her face started swelling a bit and she went off and on to doctor to get antibiotics without going to a dentist for a few months and finally she got an infection bad enough that her eye turned black and blue and what she was told was: "If you had waited a week more you'd be dead. The infection entered your sinuses and was moving towards your brain." Impacted/abscessed teeth are nothing to mess around with. Do not mess around with it.