no energy for workouts

dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
I've been running into a huge problem this week and i'm kind of lost. there are a couple of factors at play here. 1. I have thyroid disease and have been managing it since I was 8. recently it has been really out of control. at the beginning of the year my levels were terrible and my doc has been trying to stabilize them since then. mid april I started working out and my levels were slowly improving. felt good and i was making sooo much progress both w/ gains and fitness up until this week. had an appointment on Monday and my levels are worse than a month ago and i'm really feeling it. went to workout last night and I got through 2x4 deadlifts before I decided to stop becausei was just too tired to do anything else. 2. I've been trying to hit macro goals in my diet but being loose w/ my deficit. eating anywhere from 1900-2500 cal a day. I try to have more carbs on lift/workout days, but generally eat pretty low carb. 3. added a new exercise to my routine. my week is: Sunday-Tennis Monday-walk and lift Tuesday-long walk / tennis Wednesday Lift + interval training Thursday - long walk Friday-Lift Saturday- 2 hr hike + tennis. I have fun doing all of these things and it's never about motivation.
SO my question is what the heck can I do about being too tired to make it through a workout? I know that a lot of it Is beyond my control, but does anyone have any tips to make it through the next few weeks while i'm working with my doctor to get my thyroid function in check? Drink coffee? eat more carbs?
sorry about the long post.
tldr I have thyroid disease and i'm too tired to make it through a workout. what can I do to get through the workouts or at least maintain my loss while I get my thyroid back to normal


  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I know you said you've talked to your Dr., but, keep on talking to him/her.

    Taking advice on a forum, with a medical health issue is bad medicine, imo.

    However, I did run across this article:

    This info may be right, or wrong, I don't know. Take it with a grain of salt, or show your doctor and ask his/her advice
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    awesome, thanks for that link! I have a ton of ashwaganda that an herbalist friend gave me that I've been meaning to use, and I've been thinking about adding some type of yoga or tai chi into my routine. i see my doc very often right now, like once every 3-4 weeks. i think i might push her for a referral to an endocrinologist cause just upping my dose of synthroid every few weeks doesn't seem to be working.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    Interesting link. Have you also been tested for iron and vitamin D deficiencies? Might not be your thyroid at all. When my anemia is untreated I am extremely fatigued.
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    iron is okay. vitamin d is nonexistent. ive been on 50,000 iu once a week and they still can't find any in my blood.
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    thyroid is definitely very very hypo right now. started the year out w/ low end of normal t4 but tsh was at 70. went down to as low as 12 and now back up to 20. :/ t4 is on the low end of normal so really hoping its not hashimoto's thyroiditis.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    That's what I have. Work with your doctors and referral to endo for appointment to do labs and necessary tests to know exactly what is going on and for proper dosage of meds and steps to control it. In the meantime, eat healthy and do what you can do comfortably with your energy and exercise (listen to your body) & don't over do it. Your health is top priority.
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    michellesz wrote: »
    That's what I have. Work with your doctors and referral to endo for appointment to do labs and necessary tests to know exactly what is going on and for proper dosage of meds and steps to control it. In the meantime, eat healthy and do what you can do comfortably with your energy and exercise (listen to your body) & don't over do it. Your health is top priority.

    how long did it take for your endo/doc to figure everything out? i had graves as a kid and have been hypo since i was maybe 10 or 11 so im used to all of this... hoping it wont take much longer :<
  • BeginnersBootcamp
    BeginnersBootcamp Posts: 90 Member
    Cellulor c4 pre workout! Itll wake you up at 6am and make you sweat like a pig :)