paleo for weightloss??

tashie1990 Posts: 31 Member
ive always been up and down with my weight, but im the biggest now that i have ever been, at my smallest i weighed 7 and a half stone (im only 5ft) and at the moment i am 11stone 5lbs after moving in with my boyfriend and working a full on job in a management role... its a takeaway menu when i get home! ive heard alot about paleo and would really like to try it, anyone do it here? whats it like and is it good for weight loss?


  • paublina
    paublina Posts: 7 Member
    I've lost 35 lbs (2.52stone) on keto, and while paleo is a bit different (you don't eat cheese!!!) you focus a lot on eating meat just like we do on keto. It all depends on what you're willing to forego really, I can't live without cheese so paleo wouldn't really work for me. The only reason I've been able to stick to keto for so long is because of all the food that I CAN eat, so it doesn't really feel like a diet.

    You should go ahead and try paleo and see what you think about it. Worst case scenario you don't like it, best case you lose some weight!

    I've found the only way to stick to a diet like that is cooking everything yourself. I haven't eaten out in almost 4 months, if you cook everything yourself you know what's going in there. It's always food-prep on Sunday's at my place!
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Eating a calorie deficit is great for weight loss. However you're comfortable getting there, is up to you. I'm in the 'eat what you want, meet your calorie, micronutrient, and macronutrient goals' camp. It's more fun here, IMO. Why restrict yourself so much unless you have medical condition? Moderation works just as well. Good luck.


    There's no reason to follow some arbitrary set of rules or a fad diet to lose weight. If you want to incorporate more whole foods into your diet, that's great. But why cut out dairy, legumes, whole grains, and occasional treats if you don't have to?

    I've also found that a lot of people on these boards are like, "Oh, well I eat paleo, but I follow the 80/20 rule." Well, no, then you're not eating paleo. You're practicing moderation. Why put some silly label on how you eat?