Baby Weight



  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Smrity wrote: »
    Hi, my baby is now coming to 6 weeks and I have actually managed to gain weight over the last 6 weeks despite breastfeeding but that is probably due to the junk I have been eating as cooking has been a massive challenge. I am still recovering from the delivery and have restrictions on exercise. I am feeling blue and obviously exhausted from the sleepless nights and constant demands all day. I am obviously happy about being mom but I think I need to start losing the weight to start feeling like me. I have 45lbs to lose and would appreciate the support of anyone else doing the same at the same time, discussing progress, tips etc. I don't have any of my friends on MFP as everyone is private with their weight goals, so, anyone who would be interested in the virtual support please add me.

    It gets easier, I promise. It's hard being exhausted. Is this your first baby? I found it easier after no.2 and 3 as I was used to those disturbed nights. All three of mine have been bad sleepers. At 14 months my youngest still wakes in the night. She's got enlarged adenoids and is congested all the time.

    I'd start with healthier eating. Get some healthier foods to snack on, and find some easy and quick things to cook for meals. A piece of fish/chicken and some veggies is really easy.

    I also gained some weight in the beginning. I had problems with supply so took fenugreek, nursing tea etc, and I think it made me gain weight. I had to supplement with formula quite early on as my babies all lost too much weight, so I was very sad about that, which made things harder.
  • Smrity
    Smrity Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Dawnie,
    Thank you for your response and tips. It is my first baby and I feel a little less anxious now that you've mentioned there are others who gain weight despite the breastfeeding (because everyone keeps saying breastfeeding is godsend to lose the extra weight). It is still early days, I need to get back into the routine of eating well again. I have started logging my calories since yesterday and my water intake. I am hoping the sleep situation becomes a little better so I can introduce more exercise into my day.
  • seomra
    seomra Posts: 69 Member
    My baby is coming up to13 weeks and while he still wakes at 4am to feed it is so different to the haze of the early days. Breastfeeding is great but I was so hungry for the first 6-8 weeks, I ate high sugar and high carb stuff. I started this 4 weeks ago and I know I couldn't have started it any earlier. I'm still not great at fitting in exercise although I feel being home with 4 children under 7 is a workout! Joking aside I want to get into the habit of exercising- even for the headspace to keep sane! Good luck with it all and don't be too hard on yourself!
  • seomra
    seomra Posts: 69 Member
    PS, lots of water, lots of protein and porridge keeps me full and helps to keep my supply up- I've a hungry little man and don't want to jeopardise his feeding
  • tedua0526
    tedua0526 Posts: 15 Member
    That is awesome, you will do great!
  • Smrity
    Smrity Posts: 3 Member
    I keep worrying about the LO's nutrition but I guess high carb / sugar food isn't helping either of us! I guess savoury rice porridge can be added with fish, chicken or eggs for a nutritious, filling, moderate calorie meal with a lot of water. Thanks for the idea.