p90x3 during Ramadhan

Anybody doing p90x3 beach body workout in the month of Ramadhan? I would love tips on how to workout to get best results in Ramadhan. What is working for you, what and how are you eating? Did you stop the program for the month, etc. Keep me posted :)


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I am not participating in Ramadan, but what I've noticed on here is people's intakes/exercise all are based on personal comfort/ability during the fast. If you feel you have the energy to do so, and won't get too tired/thirsty while doing it, go for it! If I was in this scenario, I would wait until the fast is broken, have a meal and a glass of water, and then do it in the evenings. But it all comes down to how your body feels, and what you think will work best for you during Ramadan. :)