21 day sugar detox... Day 3



  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    I'm pretty new to MFP, and am a little hesitate to give me opinion on this subject, given how threads on this subject go!! I do agree with everyone who says 'what detox? the body detoxes itself' - IF we're talking about food only! Let's not pretend that the body adequately detoxes itself of alcohol, nicotine and lots of other substances people regularly put into their bodies - because it doesn't, and there are vast resources of scientific proof of this!

    However, and it's a pretty big however, the BRAIN is a very different thing. Psychological addictions to all kinds of food are very real, and can be as difficult to overcome as any 40-a-day smoker, or alcohol dependent person. Cold turkey is an extreme form of removing any one of these substances from your body, and one of many methods used over a certain time period to reduce/eliminate the cravings a person can have for these things. Sugar is [scientifically proved to be] one of the most addictive things humans consume. It's terribly difficult to overcome the cravings we have for the substance, and I have huge admiration for anyone trying to do this.

    Do I agree? - sort of! I see my added sugar consumption dropping, and am getting the majority of my sugar from fruit etc, simply from following the CICO approach to my food. Would I ever go sugar free? No, because I think it forms part of a balanced diet, there are foods I eat which I would be loath to give up, unless a doctor told me I could no longer have them, even in moderation. But that's a personal choice, and I wholeheartedly cheer on anyone who wants to remove a food source they feel is not doing them any good. At the end of 21 (or however many) days, they can assess their health and their wishes to continue, but (let's be honest here), 21 days without sugar isn't going to damage anyone's body! Given that the OP has said they are experiences no particular difficulties in maintaining this, I say go for it - and let us know how you do!

    uh, wut?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I am only eating meat, eggs, veggies, very slight dairy a little cheese or cottage cheese.... No sugar, processed foods, fruit, anything with artificial sweetners, no potatoes or corn, basically just eating meat and vegetables


    and you do realize that vegetables are a carb which equals sugar so you are still getting sugar, right?

    This is bascially what I said...

    all carbs have sugar
    all dairy has sugar
    don't put any bbq sauce on your meat
    are you eating tomatoes? squash? sweet potatoes? all have sugar...

    sorry but you aren't detoxing you are not eating all the food groups.

    Just make sure you are getting in your nutrients if you plan on going forward with this...ie supplement the heck outta yourself for the next 18 days.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    well seems as if my other discussion was deleted before I could even read what people posted.... So here we go again.... I'm on day 3 which I'll say I've successfully completed, what have other people's experience been with the 21dsd? I'm feeling ok, not having too many issues just want to know other folks experience with it

    Just a minute I have to finish my crunchie bar first.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member


    Two classic posts by SideSteel.
    Read them.
    Read them again.
    Read them until you understand why what you're doing is a Bad Idea [TM] and not going to help you in the long
    run (which is where you need to be looking if you want to get to a healthy weight).
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited June 2015
    dizzyblond wrote:
    Let's not pretend that the body adequately detoxes itself of alcohol, nicotine and lots of other
    substances people regularly put into their bodies - because it doesn't, and there are vast
    resources of scientific proof
    of this!
    Bring it.

    Here, I'll help you get started: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed

    Detox diets for toxin elimination and weight management: a critical review of the evidence.
    Klein AV, Kiat H.
    J Hum Nutr Diet. 2014 Dec 18. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12286
    PMID: 25522674

    "Detox diets are popular dieting strategies that claim to facilitate toxin elimination and weight loss,
    thereby promoting health and well-being. The present review examines whether detox diets are
    necessary, what they involve, whether they are effective and whether they present any dangers.
    Although the detox industry is booming, there is very little clinical evidence to support the use of these
    diets ... To the best of our knowledge, no randomised controlled trials have been conducted to assess
    the effectiveness of commercial detox diets in humans.

    As for your claim about alcohol:
    "When you drink beverage alcohol around 2 to 8 percent is lost through urine, sweat, or the breath.
    The other 92 to 98 percent is metabolized by your body."

    And apparently you haven't heard about the enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase.
    It's in the liver. It tears apart alcohol, 'detoxing' it if you will.
    There's less of it in women's stomachs than men's (per unit of mass), which is why alcohol affects women sooner,
    more, and longer.
    Asians and Amerindians tend to have a more-efficient form of alcohol dehydrogenase, plus they have a less-
    efficient form of the enzyme which handles acetaldehyde (the breakdown product). So they build up the poison
    faster & get rid of it more slowly.

    One of the first breakdown products (acetaldehyde) is related to formaldehyde, very toxic. The other is basically
    vinegar. That eventually gets turned into CO2 and H2O... after powering the Krebs cycle. (Hint: that powers your

    Psychological addictions to all kinds of food are very real
    Well, here you're actually correct. Congrat's.

    (Removed reference to infinite monkeys & typewriters, so as not to be snarky.)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    draznyth wrote: »
    draznyth wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    draznyth wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    draznyth wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    draznyth wrote: »
    what exactly are you trying to "detox"?

    which toxins, specifically?

    Outside of the title, the body of this thread says nothing about toxins or detoxing so what are you using quotes for? Are you flame baiting?

    the title of the thread is "sugar detox"...are you seriously asking this?

    I know what the title says. She's acknowledging the title of her other thread with the same title which got nuked. Yeah, I am seriously asking if you're flame baiting. Are you?

    obviously I am not...you are the one making the provocative posts here. with quite the aggressive attitude, I might add.

    My posts to the OP were made in the spirit of helpfulness and I think they speak for themselves. And yours?

    You are now just evading my response where I indicate that you are the one who is actually flame-baiting...


    there is no reason for you to eliminate sugar from your diet

    there is no such thing as a detox

    as many will tell you, your body naturally detoxifies itself

    ETA: OP why do you feel it necessary to put yourself on such a restrictive diet to lose 150 lbs...the diet you specified is incredibly restrictive.

    ETA: apparently edit and quote are different buttons...

    This is just a kick starter I am using, I had terrible eating habits and some friends spoke highly of their experience, and I did my research on this, don't see what the big issue is but first and foremost this isn't what I'm doing to lose the whole 150, I'm starting off like this, and will be adding other healthy foods in once I hit my 21st day, I may go with a paleo diet , I am a sugar and carb person, that's all I was eating. I'm just trying to be healthy for myself and family and because I'd like to have a child

    This sounds like a perfectly reasonable plan to me. Readjust your tastes. My prediction is that you'll find a little sugar is enough to sate a sugar craving once the 21 days are over. Best of luck to you.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I am only eating meat, eggs, veggies, very slight dairy a little cheese or cottage cheese.... No sugar, processed foods, fruit, anything with artificial sweetners, no potatoes or corn, basically just eating meat and vegetables

    Do you plan on eating only meat and vegetables for the rest of your life? That seems like a very restrictive plan, that isn't going to cover all of your nutritional needs. Is it sustainable for you?

    Why does it need to be sustainable? In the OP she states it's only for 21 days. There is no rule that one must eat the same throughout a diet or life. She's trying something and seems to be having success so far. Why is everyone giving her such a hard time. It's not as if what she's doing is dangerous or unhealthy.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am only eating meat, eggs, veggies, very slight dairy a little cheese or cottage cheese.... No sugar, processed foods, fruit, anything with artificial sweetners, no potatoes or corn, basically just eating meat and vegetables

    Do you plan on eating only meat and vegetables for the rest of your life? That seems like a very restrictive plan, that isn't going to cover all of your nutritional needs. Is it sustainable for you?

    Why does it need to be sustainable? In the OP she states it's only for 21 days. There is no rule that one must eat the same throughout a diet or life. She's trying something and seems to be having success so far. Why is everyone giving her such a hard time. It's not as if what she's doing is dangerous or unhealthy.

    so if OP just yo-yo diets for a few years that would be OK????

    why wouldn't you want to have a sustainable weight loss plan??????????

    I can't even believe that is a serious question...
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I am only eating meat, eggs, veggies, very slight dairy a little cheese or cottage cheese.... No sugar, processed foods, fruit, anything with artificial sweetners, no potatoes or corn, basically just eating meat and vegetables

    Do you plan on eating only meat and vegetables for the rest of your life? That seems like a very restrictive plan, that isn't going to cover all of your nutritional needs. Is it sustainable for you?

    Why does it need to be sustainable? In the OP she states it's only for 21 days. There is no rule that one must eat the same throughout a diet or life. She's trying something and seems to be having success so far. Why is everyone giving her such a hard time. It's not as if what she's doing is dangerous or unhealthy.

    so if OP just yo-yo diets for a few years that would be OK????

    why wouldn't you want to have a sustainable weight loss plan??????????

    I can't even believe that is a serious question...

    If the OP gives up certain foods for 21 days then switches her diet up a bit and continues to lose weight and search for a healthy eating plan that works for her, how is that a bad thing?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    2. No Hi-Jacking, Trolling, or Flame-baiting

    Please stay on-topic in an existing thread, and post new threads in the appropriate forum. Taking a thread off-topic is considered hi-jacking. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting. This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate, or posts intended to incite an uproar from the community.

    It was a miserable failure the last time I posted this, but hey, patience is key, right? So let's try actually responding to what the OP asked, not whatever side arguments you feel like dredging up because the OP used the words "sugar" and "detox." I already had to close down her first thread because people were unwillingly to contribute respectfully.

    It is not fair to the OP to have another thread shut down or have to sift through pages of arguing to get to the few on-topic responses. I know people want to say they are being "helpful" to the community by sharing the "truth" and "educating" new users, but derailing someone's thread is not helpful in any way and actually discourages new users because they don't like having their concerns ignored so other people can use their discussion to argue.

    Please respond to the OP and/or address any concerns from the OP in this thread, or move on without posting. If you're just here to argue with the same community members you always argue with, please just take it to PM.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    I'm pretty new to MFP, and am a little hesitate to give me opinion on this subject, given how threads on this subject go!! I do agree with everyone who says 'what detox? the body detoxes itself' - IF we're talking about food only! Let's not pretend that the body adequately detoxes itself of alcohol, nicotine and lots of other substances people regularly put into their bodies - because it doesn't, and there are vast resources of scientific proof of this!
    Oh, you must be drunk all the time!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I'm pretty new to MFP, and am a little hesitate to give me opinion on this subject, given how threads on this subject go!! I do agree with everyone who says 'what detox? the body detoxes itself' - IF we're talking about food only! Let's not pretend that the body adequately detoxes itself of alcohol, nicotine and lots of other substances people regularly put into their bodies - because it doesn't, and there are vast resources of scientific proof of this!


    It doesn't?.........There are?..........
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    You are my candy giiiiiiiiiiirl, and you got me wantin ' you.
  • jennhubbard84
    jennhubbard84 Posts: 29 Member
    Smh thanks anyways everyone lol
  • ChefSteveUrso
    ChefSteveUrso Posts: 84 Member
    Good Job giving up sugar, that will save your life in the long run. I lost 108 lbs by eating lots of veggies, moderate meat and grains and gave up almost all sugar. I still have a little in fruit or a treat once in a while but it's not a big part of my life anymore. Keep up the good work, and don't let these people convince you that sugar is harmless.
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    Do what works for you. Every time I give up processed carbs (white flour, white bread, etc), I feel so much better. Refined sugar also. I wish I had your willpower.