Best Pre-Workout Foods?

I like to end my 90 min trainer workouts with a protein shake (milk, fresh fruits and protein powder only) but need help on pre-workout foods to keep me full and energized

Also, how soon is too soon when eating before a workout?!


  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    That question is a person to person basis.

    What one person might eat BEFORE, might make you feel nauseous during your workout. Trial and error. Try a single pop-tart for the carbs.

    Have you tried training on an empty stomach? I find I train a lot better when I'm empty, other than my pre-workout.
  • syndeo
    syndeo Posts: 68 Member
    If your goals are to lose weight, why are you consuming so many calories before and after a workout? In reality, you do not need to consume pre-workout calories, or consume calories for any workout of 90 minutes or less. The same really goes for recovery drinks. Unless you are training at a very high volume, or need help getting to your protein macros, protein recovery isn't really required, especially if you are eating a meal (like supper) after your workout.

    What do you mean by trainer workout? Do you mean personal trainer?
  • Ironmaiden4life
    Ironmaiden4life Posts: 422 Member
    Agree with personal choice and trying different foods to see what works.

    I usually have a shake with either some oats thrown in or a couple of low fat wholegrain waffles (plain no syrup) but that is what works for my goals/training/taste.

    A good rule of thumb is 30 - 60 minutes before you work out to give your body time to start digesting it. If you decided to add a fat in with your pre- work out meal this will slow stomach emptying. It's not bad to add fats if you choose just something to note.
  • s2mikey
    s2mikey Posts: 146 Member
    IMO, a decent balance of some simple carbs, complex carbs and whatever else should be fine. Dont overthink it.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    I throw a scoop or two of protein with leftover morning coffee and some ice cubes and drink about 30-60 minutes before. I usually don't consume carbs until after I work out.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    Clif builder's bar... an extra 20g of protein.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't really worry about it. Generally speaking I'm going to have some kind of meal shortly before or after a workout or a ride. The only time I worry about recovery feeding is after a longish ride of maybe 30 miles or more...I'm also likely to take something with me to eat while I ride if I'm going to go 30 miles or more...other than that, meh...

    I think people get way too wrapped up in this kind of stuff and for most people it's pretty irrelevant.
  • ryanhouser90
    ryanhouser90 Posts: 2 Member
    I cut sweet potatoes to about 90-110 grams each and bake with salt, pepper, olive oil. They come out to around 100 calories each. Good to eat an hour or so before hand if you're looking to up your carbs
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I eat a Quest bar and a scoop of C4 preworkout before I lift. Working out on an empty stomach makes me feel weak and nauseous, but I lift at 4AM so I'm not going to eat a full meal 30-60 minutes before working out like some people do.

    I work best when I have some carbs beforehand and then I follow up the workout with protein. Quest bars are protein bars, of course, but they have carbs as well. Post-workout for me used to be a protein shake, but now it's either a crestless quiche recipe I got from Kara Corey on YouTube, protein pancakes, or something like that. Protein shakes are fine, but I prefer something that will make me feel like I actually ate something. I'm usually pretty hungry after a good workout.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    I used to obsess about this. For running, I need HOURS after I eat to not feel pukey. Not eating at all is even worse. Their is one bar from aldi that is easy on my stomach, and I'll eat half before an early morning run.

    But in general? Lifting, etc. It seriously doesn't matter. If you're not a professional athlete or doing some serious hours of working out, eat what you want. Experiment and see how you feel.

    Personally, I like a little something small and easily digestible before a workout. Yesterday I had a snack pack of Oreos (100 calories) and half a sugar-free monster before lifting. And I felt super awesome hulk-ish. But, I eat a well balanced diet over all.
  • lulucitron
    lulucitron Posts: 366 Member
    Depends what I'm doing. If I'm doing yoga then I just have two Lavash crackers (they're amazing), a light mini babybel and some fruit like raspberries. Something light so I don't feel like throwing up when I'm doing inversions. If I'm doing weights, I'll do a shake beforehand and a couple pieces of protein bread toast. I find I need the carbs when I'm lifting heavy.