Figuring out maintainence calories. HELP!

Hi! I'm pretty new to MFP, but I've had great success over the past couple weeks with my goals, calories, and weight set where they are.

I have a vacation weekend approaching, though, and I'd like to have a number of calories in mind that I can consume to attempt to simply maintain my current weight. Is there a way to figure that out on the site?
My current stats are:
Weight: 214
Height: 5'6"
Age: 32
Activity: slightly active
Current goal: 2 lbs/week
Current calorie limit: 1410


  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    change your current goal from lose 2 lbs/week to maintain. MFP will calculate your maintenance calories based on the other information that you've given it. (on the website you change your goal under "settings" then go to "update your diet profile")
  • candiceryan32
    candiceryan32 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks--Perfectly helpful and succinct answer!