Anyone else having trouble sleeping?

Since I started eating healthy and exercising 3+ months ago I am finding that I can't sleep through the night. About 5 hours and I am done, anyone else had this?


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Are you working out in the evening? Taking hot showers near bedtime? Those can raise your body temperature and interfere with sleep.
    I sometimes save some carbs during the day to have at night like a half a piece of toast with peanut butter or banana or some such.
    Do not take B vitamins near bedtime as they can be activating for some people.
    Magnesium can calm some people.

    The main thing that has helped with sleep is to practice "Sleep Hygiene."
    I long ago removed all electronics out of the bed room: no phone, no t.v., . . .
    (We only have our two alarm clocks.)
    I use a "white noise" machine (small fan) from Amazon -- have had it or replacements for 20 years.
    See these links in case they help.

    I have not totally worked out my sleep -- still working on it. I hope that you can start sleeping better.