cooking got picky eaters



  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    paniolo5 wrote: »
    Acg67, nice helpful comment. Obviously she doesn't fix all of that every day. Hopefully this was an attempt at you being funny.

    Romyarts2014, I had a similar dilemma with my husband, except that he loved pasta in addition to meat. Fortunately, a work trip to Japan where he had no choice in what was available to eat - and that included plenty of odd veggies - completely changed that as he eats about anything now.

    The kids at 1 & 3 shouldn't be directing what you fix. I agree with posters above that say they will eat what you have or go hungry. It's hard the first few times, but eventually they will find they like other things, but as long as they can get away with choosing what they want, they have the upper hand. I will also say if possible, get them to help pick the produce when you shop & participate in cooking. The 3 yr old should be able to help rinse the veggies, put the pieces that you cut in a pan, etc. It takes patience, but kids who help cook actually are more inclined to eat what they fix. Go through recipe sites & magazines to find other ways to serve veggies or sneak them into food they like...many recipes have finely chopped or pureed veggies added into the sauce, etc. Boiled mushy broccoli is about the worst but I found that sauteeing it in a bit of olive oil & low sodium teriyaki sauce made it fabulous.

    As for hubs, before the Japan trip, I fixed what he wanted & used the meat more as a side dish for me. I just made the veggies that I loved. Fix the fried chicken, just don't fry your piece...cook it in the pan before you add the oil for his. Make side dishes you love & use his main course as your side. Hopefully if the kids start trying things, he will too. If not, you can still eat healthy without too much extra effort. That extra effort is worth it for your family's health.

    Good luck!

    Oh, she when she said that she does, she was lying?

    I can't tell if you are joking or not. But I believe she meant he wanted one of those foods every day, not every single one of them every day. So, by "literally", she mean "figuratively."
  • crystalewhite
    crystalewhite Posts: 422 Member
    You shouldn't have to cook multiple meals, this is ridiculous. He is your husband not your child. If he doesn't like what you make, he can get off his butt and help.
    Unfortunately kids are harder, I know I was a PITA when I was a kid. My mom just tried different preparations of different vegetables until found something I liked.
  • Romyarts2014
    Romyarts2014 Posts: 201 Member
    Thank you all for the advice .
    I am going to be more strict on the girls and there intake.
    My hubby can't deal with eggs, mashed potatoes hates milk hates yoghurt... even if I make shakes I need to drain all the pulp in there left from the fruit. If I make chilli have to drain all just the juice.... going to go shopping today see if I can find some barbeque recipes . But I will Def at least be making sides for me and the kids and will try to keep getting him vitamins and so in
  • Romyarts2014
    Romyarts2014 Posts: 201 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    Hey guys,

    So dinner time is getting pretty boring
    My man doesn't like veggies. He literally has me cook fried chicken , gyros wraps, fries, pizza, fried snacks, burgers everyyyydayy. As well as the kids, they are still young 1 & 3 the oldest loves spinach with potatoes so we make that for them at least 2 times a week and it's really just about all the veggies I can get into them.

    I am the kind of girl who would love to eat a baked potato with a steak and some green beans.
    He just wants meat
    The girls just want meat (and the youngest is getting even more picky on that)

    I don't know what to do. We are about to move into our new home . Would like to get us all on a healthier eating lifestyle.
    I have talked to my hubby about other things I can make for him that include veggies

    His answer

    Yeah just see if you can find a recipe with some meat... than I say with what veggies

    He says none. Sometimes a paprika and maybe some onion.
    I am Def at my end. I would love to eat healthier again but I also don't feel like cooking two meals


    How does he literally have you make fried chicken , gyros wraps, fries, pizza, fried snacks, burgers everyyyydayy. that's a lot of food to cook every single day

    Lol not all that food in one day

    One night pizza

    One night wraps

    One night fried snacks and fries
  • Laura732
    Laura732 Posts: 244 Member
    I'm married to a 62 year old perfectionist. Not only does it have to be on 'his' menu, but it has to be fixed exactly the same way each time. Don't let it get to where I am!

    On the upside I don't cook for him any more. I fix what I eat and if he wants some of it there's enough. If he doesn't, well I don't have to worry about packing lunch the next day.

  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Thank you all for the advice .
    I am going to be more strict on the girls and there intake.
    My hubby can't deal with eggs, mashed potatoes hates milk hates yoghurt... even if I make shakes I need to drain all the pulp in there left from the fruit. If I make chilli have to drain all just the juice.... going to go shopping today see if I can find some barbeque recipes . But I will Def at least be making sides for me and the kids and will try to keep getting him vitamins and so in

    He must be of royal lineage, or at least thinks he is royalty, or is he just a royal pain? :)
  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    Don't make two meals! Prepare a meal for the family, with protein and vegie sides. Your husband can either eat them or make his own alternatives. Your kids can learn to expand their palates - they won't starve!

    Get creative with the sides - mixed roast vegies, pan fried Brussels or Cabbage with bacon, grilled Mediterranean style vegies, interesting salads, steamed vegies drizzled with cheesy sauce..

    Or dishes that incorporate everything meat/vegie curry or stew, or bolognese sauce (served with cauliflower rice or steamed greens), soups, frittata, filo parcels, homemade vegie pizza with salad, homemade burgers and baked fries etc...

    This. Your husband doesn't like anything you make, and is super picky? You can set boundaires! Tell him to start cooking for himself! we live in the 1940s here?
  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    Thank you all for the advice .
    I am going to be more strict on the girls and there intake.
    My hubby can't deal with eggs, mashed potatoes hates milk hates yoghurt... even if I make shakes I need to drain all the pulp in there left from the fruit. If I make chilli have to drain all just the juice.... going to go shopping today see if I can find some barbeque recipes . But I will Def at least be making sides for me and the kids and will try to keep getting him vitamins and so in

    Wow. I would never put up with that. Girl...make him grow up!
  • Romyarts2014
    Romyarts2014 Posts: 201 Member
    Lol ,

    He's just a picky eater. And he can't stand the taste of the other things and won't force it down his throat. Just want alternatives I can give to him. I'm old fashioned I like to cook for my man and the kids. He is Def picky. But also stubborn. If I am not cooking he will probably heat himself some noodles lmao...