efficient weight loss with a deadline!

As a former personal trainer I know the importance of remaining fit and healthy, yet I find myself 2 years after taking an office job 40lbs heavier and facing surgery in both feet to relieve chronic tarsal tunnel syndrome. I received a Garmin Vivofit for my birthday and am committed to losing as much weight as safely as possible before me first surgery in September!

I love working out, just got too busy so I'm looking for like minded individuals to skate my journey with!

Feel free to message me for ideas/inspiration/support! We can do this together! :)


  • Vochubby
    Vochubby Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hey cship. I can totally identify with your story. I used to work in the trades in a very physically demanding job. I switched to an office job and 5 years later I'm 25 lbs heavier. Would love to work with you for some mutual support/inspiration/motivation.

    I totally like the idea of a hard deadline. September sounds great. I can imagine that having to lose weight before a surgery can be very motivating.

  • Dgangaware
    Dgangaware Posts: 24 Member
    Hello! I know the feeling oh too well. Busy and tired can make it difficult but it can be done. Please feel free to add me for support!