7lbs from a healthy BMI please cheer me on to lose it by next weekend

princessrisariri Posts: 162 Member
edited June 2015 in Motivation and Support
It has been a long up and down journey of 2 years for me since I decided by 30 years old I would be a size UK12(USA8)!
I said this to myself whilst wearing a pair of size UK22 trousers and the scales just touching that 200lbs point. Not just overweight but way into the obese zone.

So far have lost just over 30lbs in small bursts with small regains along the way. I have dropped 4 dress sizes and feel I am changing for life but the more I lose it just gets harder and harder, I am losing hope a little.

Today I checked my BMI for the first time in ages, and can see it is so close to being in the green zone, just 7lbs away!

I posted this elsewhere and I think a lot of people told me nasty things like 'you will regain it all again' and 'BMI is crap this is a pointless goal'

I know BMI has it's accuracy issues, and if I lose 7lbs it in just over a week I'll prob put 1-2lbs back on, that's not the point I just want on next Friday to stand on those scales and go YES, it is not the end but like a nice big tick for me on the journey? Is that so wrong/strange?

The most I ever lost in one week before is like 10lbs so I know how I did that and can do similar, and no I didn't put it all back on :\
Can anyone wish me good luck and help me stay positive?

Or is anyone else close to a milestone and want to help keep each other on track and working extra hard this week by diary stalking and sending messages etc ;p


  • amc29
    amc29 Posts: 27 Member
    Good luck! You can do it, stay strong! I never understand why people have to be mean. What happened to the old saying if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all?!
  • princessrisariri
    princessrisariri Posts: 162 Member
    amc29 wrote: »
    Good luck! You can do it, stay strong! I never understand why people have to be mean. What happened to the old saying if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all?!

    thankyou <3
  • MeridianGirl
    MeridianGirl Posts: 5 Member
    I've never posted before, but reading this, I had to do so. Sure, BMI has issues if you happen to be very muscular, etc., but in general, it is a good metric. Good for you for setting a goal and wanting to reach it. I have struggled with my weight my whole life, but only around 20-30 pounds total. It's both great and frustrating to be so close! I'm finally at my goal weight and one of the things that motivated me was the green zone on the BMI chart and being considered in a healthy category for total body fat. Don't do anything to jeopardize your health to get there by next Friday, but I think having personal goals and milestones helps keep me motivated. You go girl!
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Yes! Good for you losing so much weight! :smile: I'm about 5 lbs away from the "healthy" BMI zone and am really looking forward to getting there, too. However, I'm giving myself more time to get there..... Is there any reason that you feel the need to get there by next Friday? I'm not trying to be negative, but 7 lbs in one week is an awful lot of weight, especially as you're so close to the healthy zone. Weight loss slows down the less we have left to lose. Realistically .5-1 lb/week is more likely once you're close to goal/healthy weight.

    Again, I'm not trying to be negative, I just don't want you set an unrealistic goal that will be discouraging if you don't make it there. Best of luck--here's to both of us making it out of "overweight"! :smile:
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    It's unlikely that you will lose 7lbs of true weight in one week.
    Nor is it a goal you should be working towards.
    It's unhealthy.