Looking to get in the weight loss world

I have been out of the weight loss world for about 4 years, my weight has gone up about 40 lbs, and I am not happy with the way I look. I need help from people to cheer me on and encourage me to keep this up and not dive head first into the box of brownies, chocolates, and other crap sitting in my grandmother's pantry. I want to and need to lose weight. My boyfriend came to me the other day and told me he was worried about my health, while this had been sitting in the back of my mind for a while it became a bigger reality when the guy I have loved for almost 4 years told me this. I'm starting off slow, I'm going to ease myself off most candies, (I usually give into the frozen reese's twice a day), and into better for me foods.


  • cleighb22
    cleighb22 Posts: 17 Member
    You can do it girl! MFP is a great place for motivation and accountability! Goodluck! I'll be cheering for you!
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    Sounds like you have a solid plan. Candies get me too, darnit. ;) Congrats on the start of your journey!