Anyone want an accountibility buddy??

Am I the only one out there who would like a person to keep the motivation up and offer support through this journey?? Well I need a buddy, Who's with me?!


  • Biancabhi
    Biancabhi Posts: 24 Member
    I am! Friend me!
  • KeneshaFitness
    KeneshaFitness Posts: 2 Member
    I am too. Im not sure what the logistics are but I believe it would help
  • vabniullga
    vabniullga Posts: 63 Member
    Meeeee!!! :smiley:
  • cleighb22
    cleighb22 Posts: 17 Member
    I am!!! Add me!
  • get_fit_fritch26
    get_fit_fritch26 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm always up for accountability buddies!
  • Kihei2015
    Kihei2015 Posts: 6 Member
    Friend me please!
  • thetemplateblog
    thetemplateblog Posts: 53 Member
    I could always use a little help staying in line.
  • cassiemorris85
    cassiemorris85 Posts: 45 Member
    You can add me. I would love more accountability buddies. Anyone can add me =) I just made my food diary "friends only" instead of "private" yesterday. I figured that would help me stay on track, knowing that my food diary is available for anyone of my friends to peek in on and they would know everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Now every time I eat something I have to think, "Do I really want people to see that I ate this?" and if I go off the deep end, which I am sure I will, I will have the guilt of knowing that everyone will see my secret shame. I have had a MFP account for several years and would come read articles, find recipes, etc, but never actually documented my food consistently, just off and on. I am trying to get in the habit of documenting everything and sticking with it. Add me if you like!
  • jaxxeemom
    jaxxeemom Posts: 36 Member
    I do! My son's birthday was on monday and I've had cake every night this week...! Time to get real : )
  • serenaconde1984
    serenaconde1984 Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me everyone. Love have more people to relate to and help keep me focused and motivated. ;)
  • BlissfulK
    BlissfulK Posts: 417 Member
  • rhea_kanani
    rhea_kanani Posts: 19 Member
    I do
  • zonidm
    zonidm Posts: 2 Member
    Me too!
  • Bambalina22
    Bambalina22 Posts: 54 Member
    Me please, I have no friends on here, AND there is NO way I can link it to FB...too embarrassing x
  • Gandalfdafab
    Gandalfdafab Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in if anyone is looking for a buddy still.
  • madie272
    madie272 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello if anyone here wants some support I'd be happy to be someone's acountibility buddy. And I'd love one in return :) I've tried all sorts, slimming world, weight watchers, shakes, pills. What I really need is motivation not to stuff my face with naughties!
  • lex2008
    lex2008 Posts: 3 Member
    Not sure how to friend you but I need a buddy too if you still need one
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Friend me and PLZ friend my new friend that just joined MFP Wantitgone2015 Thanks! Any ACTIVE USER plz add us! We need motivation also we motivate too!