
Been doing this my fitness pal thing for a while. We are doing a biggest loser competition at work and I am in 1st place. Last weigh in is tomorrow! As of last week I am down 15.8 lbs!!! It feels so good! I'm loving seeing the numbers go down and my self esteem going up! Just wanted to say hi!


  • btinghutch
    btinghutch Posts: 26 Member
    that's great! I'm less than 2 weeks in and I have a 20 lb goal. It may take me the better part of year to get there!lol but I'm committed to better health in general
  • nicholmarie
    nicholmarie Posts: 18 Member
    I have a bunch of weight to lose but I'm not setting any goals. I am training myself to make better food choices and be more active. I want to be a healthy person. The rest will fall into place. Sometimes it's hard to stay motivated. I hate working out as much as I love it and feel so good when I'm done. I promised myself this will continue after the competition ends! Good luck to you!! :)

  • btinghutch
    btinghutch Posts: 26 Member
    you too :) it is SO hard to get motivated to work out. Whenever I find myself in a funk, just sitting there, I remind myself of how good I feel when I get done. This app is working out really good though so far
  • nicholmarie
    nicholmarie Posts: 18 Member
    I do love this app. Being able to track and see what I'm eating really helps me to be more mindful of my food choices and whether or not something is really worth the calories/carbs/fat etc. :)