Where to go from here

so I've got/ had 5lbs to lose and despite portioning out all my meals, reducing my calories and exercising fairly hard 6 days out of seven I'm still gaining weight? What are my next steps from here? Has want one had this happen to them?


  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    inb4 somewhat pretentious "eat less/move more, GG" ... I havent been in your situation, I've only recently given a crap about my weight and losing it has been fairly consistent... Stil there were a couple weeks where I didn't really lose anything, and really it's because a couple times a week I'd eat a bit over my max and between the extra calories and the ton of extra sodium that came with the high cal foods, I'd pretty much even out. But when I got back on the train, I lost the water weight + what I normally would during that time and was happy. I guess what I'm saying is try to be patient, and try to think about your weight less, maybe go a couple weeks without weighing yourself? It was a positive experience for me when I started weighing weekly instead of daily.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    How long have you not lost weight for? Can you open your diary?
  • doolalytap
    doolalytap Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks it's only been a couple of weeks, it's just frustrating when you're quite close and going on the wrong direction
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    doolalytap wrote: »
    Thanks it's only been a couple of weeks, it's just frustrating when you're quite close and going on the wrong direction

    A couple of weeks is nothing to worry about. Especially when you're only aiming for 0.5lbs/week (which is what you should be aiming for if you've got 5lbs to lose), since fluctuations can easily cover that up, and can potentially cover that rate of loss for quite a while if you only weigh once a week. Definitely wait for a while longer. Personally, I would recommend weighing yourself everyday - when you're only aiming for half a pound a week, if you're a bit unlucky on your weigh in days you could end up looking like you're gaining when you're actually losing, but as @danieltsmoke says, weighing less often works better for some people. You've gotta find what works for you, but whatever you go for, leave it for longer than 2 weeks to see the trend.

    Also make sure you're being very accurate with your calorie counting. I asked if you could open your diary to see how you were tracking your food. If you're not weighing everything accurately you could be eating more than you think, which isn't a big problem when you've got a lot of weight to lose, but when you're nearly at your goal, just a few inaccuracies can quickly remove your calorie deficit entirely.