Motivation buddies, you out there?

Hey guys,

I've been on and off MFP for a few years. But i always end up coming back because I find it really helpful to remind myself of what I'm putting in my body. I'm 26 yrs old, I've been eating healthy for a few years and hit the gym 5X a week.

My biggest issue is consistency, I get discouraged and get really hard on myself when the scale doesn't budge (I'm no longer a slave to the scale, but I do weigh-in every 2 weeks just to see how I'm doing).

I'd love to have some friends on here who can help motivate me to reach my goal! I'm about 16 lbs away from it, however I don't really have a set number, I'm going for what I feel comfortable with. My ultimate goal is to be fit and strong and 110% comfortable in my own skin.

I don't care for age, gender or anything. We're all here for the same reasons!