Love/ hate relationship with food

34 years old and I am now only realizing my horrible relationship with food. Ironically, it's the first time in my life that I am the most comfortable I have ever been in my skin. I guess it helps knowing I am not the only one struggling here. Gotta bring each other up!


  • recovering_bri
    recovering_bri Posts: 22 Member
    Hey! I'm Bri, i'm 23 and I completely understand! I'm recovering from an ED and although I'm pretty comfortable in my skin I still struggle with my relationship with food. I binge eat a lot...and it's partly due to trying to restrict my diet. So i'm looking into IIFYM because it's more balanced. I'd love to support you! I'll add you!
  • Rimfakse
    Rimfakse Posts: 25 Member
    I completely understand this! I love chocolate, and feel bad when I have eaten too much of it (because I just can't eat it in moderation) I exercise loads.

  • kpantoja311
    kpantoja311 Posts: 4 Member
    Being diagnosed with an eating disorder at 34 has been weighing heavy on my mind. I'm happy that we can relate to each other on some level. I'm happy to hear from both of you!