Exercises for lower abs and obliques



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    cardio will help continue shrinking the fat layer
    planks and windshield wipers can help develop the muscles underneath

    side and standing side crunches are good as well. with or without weight
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member

    Okay, here's what I think about it as a Football Official

    1. Run sprints will help a lot with all the starting and stopping.
    2. You do have to dodge "traffic" and sometimes may get involved in a play so you should be able to move and not worry about spraining and ankle or anything, so come Core training is wise. The Core does two things really, helps stabilize the spine during movement, and helps in basically all movement. Having a strong core has show to help with knee and ankle proprioception and evidence of injury reduction. Reduction in lower-back pain is also a benefit.
    3. The Core is more than abs and obliques. Your abs are abs (transversus & rectus), obliques (internal / external), quadratus-lumborum, multifidus, spinal erectors, longissimus, psoas, gluteus maximus, and even the latissimus gets included as it's very much involved in posture.

    Things like deadlifts & squats at intensities of 70%+ 1RM have shown to have significant benefit to spinal erectors, multifidus, and quadratus-lumborum. Those exercises definitely engage the obliques and ab's but not really any better/worse than direct work. Doing some kind of squatting that is challenging (goblet, front squat, back squat) would be excellent to include in your training and also some a couple direct Core exercises would be good as well. Something like Front Planks with Hip Extension and Side Planks are very good. Lying 90-Degree weighted crunches would be good as don't stress the lumbar spine much either.

    There are many ways to work on your Core musculature, what I mentioned above is only an example, find something that works best for you.
  • blue443
    blue443 Posts: 61 Member
    Sam_i_am, that is some good insight. Been neglecting deadlifts and that is a great body exercise.
  • blue443
    blue443 Posts: 61 Member
    All great insight. Several ideas for me to add to create more variety in training. With regards to football, been calling for a while, wanting to make sure I am in the best shape both physically and mentally. I would hate to do the game or players a disservice, by not being at my best.