Losing so slowly...but

Hi everyone this is my 2nd week running now I've only lost half a pound whilst I know this is still a loss it's torture knowing I'm only 3.5lbs away from my 3 stone. Someone said to me today yes it's small but your losing inches too. Is this true? I mean cus of my workouts could I be getting smaller and losing slowly?


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Perhaps use something like a tape measure to see if your measurements are smaller?

    You could also use a mirror or ask people if you look smaller? Do your clothes fit any differently?

    Hang in there. Not sure why you are torturing yourself.
  • faithyang
    faithyang Posts: 297 Member
    edited June 2015
    Maybe you're on a plateau? Give it some time and try to shake it up. I lost my last 5 kg painfully slow - it was up and then down, up and then down, never really actually hitting the mark until I did the following:
    • High intensity/low intensity workout (HIIT workout) -sprint fast for as long as you can, slow down to a jog/walk, repeat a few times.
    • Uphill runs HIIT style in all your runs. I reach the 'closing' of all my runs with an uphill steady sprint, then slow to a walk. Slow to a walk, climb up some stairs with a bit of a 'jump' in your step and sideways run up the stairs, then on the way back to my house I sprint as fast as I humanly can, before slowing down to a brisk walk back home. (basically try to 'randomise' the level and intensity of your run so your body is shaken up and burns more)
    • Incorporate a 'reset' week where instead of running you do an alternate workout. Intensity doesn't matter too much as long as its HIIT. I hit the elliptical and the exercise bike and HIIT it for 45-50 min. Food-wise I will chuck in a high calorie day (meaning if its 1200 a day I shift it to 1500-1700 for a day, then back to 1200) during the week IN ADDITION to my cheat days during the weekends.
    • Keep a steady sleep and exercise routine. Its the best way to keep calm and create consistency for you to monitor your progress.

    When I did the above it went down really quickly. :smile:

    But like the poster above...if you're not seeing results on the scale but you're still losing inches, then there's nothing to worry about, just use the tape measure to check your progress like 999tiger said.
  • marthaelisa80
    marthaelisa80 Posts: 1,572 Member
    edited June 2015
    Change in the body is a process. I've only lost 6pounds but 5 inches off my waist and this is a 2 month period. Take pictures small changes over a long period of time are not bad. This is my progress so far! So keep it up don't focus on the scale too much! Measuring tape, the way your clothes fit, are better ways to see. Try to weight yourself 1/month so you are not obsessing over the scale. Good luck!
  • LolaKarwowski
    LolaKarwowski Posts: 217 Member
    Trust me, you want to lose slowly. If you lose quickly then there is a good chance you will regain the weight just as quickly! I've seen it happen to friends and co workers and it happened to me. It's not a good feeling. Good luck!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Half a pound is half a pound. Way to go!
  • JesperHallum
    JesperHallum Posts: 3 Member
    I remember few years ago when i tried to lose weight, i actually didn't lose any the first few weeks, found out i was drinking a lot more water because i started working out in the gym, so body was probably reacting to that, once that was over i started losing at a steady pace
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    take photos (i do mine every 2-3 months), take measurements (i do mine monthly). actual weight is a small reflection of whats going on with your body.
  • NicoleSimmons2015
    NicoleSimmons2015 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes! I agree with the other poster- Do Hiit instead of regular cardio. and read up on lifting weights. I swear it's the key! I started lifting 3x a week 11 weeks ago... I wish I started years ago. I feel amazing (I feel like I'm 16 again. I'm a 35 yr old mother of 3) and it really transforms your body-Slowly but surely. Learning to fuel the body and not diet (I do stay away from bread). I'm eating more now than I was before. Eat tons of protein. There's a calculator you can find on the internet that will tell you how much protein you need based on your weight/goals. As soon as you start adding more protein you will lean out and see the scale move a little quicker. It sucks being in a plateau because you are working hard. Just try to stay off the scale except 1x per week and change your macros to add more protein. And yes LIFT weights. It's life changing!