Running pain question

I'm assuming that it's just something that will take a few days to heal, but I thought I'd ask here anyway. I've been getting back into running. Running 2-3 miles a few times a week for the last few weeks. Yesterday I decided I would push myself through a 10k and may have pushed too far. The back inside of my right knee extending a couple of inches up started hurting during my last mile so I decided to walk, hoping it would go away. It's even more sore today and I'm walking around with a limp that makes me look like a pirate on a peg leg. Any ideas about what I've done to it? While we're at it, does anyone have any suggestions for speeding the recovery along?


  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Try looking up "hamstring tendinitis" or "biceps femoris tendinitis". (You'll also see "tendinopathy", but that more accurately describes a longer term overuse injury instead of a one day overload trauma). See if that sounds familiar. Could also be a mild hamstring strain, maybe?

    I've usually heard ice for the first two days, then heat before any activity (i.e. walking). Plus, you know, don't do what hurts.

    And welcome back to running!